I Know Dino: The Big Dinosaur Podcast

Regurgitalites, sauropods with beaks, and dinosaur outreach



Dinosaur of the day Kritosaurus, a hadrosaur that was found over 100 years ago in New Mexico.Interview with Scott Hartman, a paleo artist and lecturer at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for the Department of Integrative Biology. He’s done hundreds of skeletal drawings and his work has been featured in books, museums, and academic publications. Follow him on facebook or twitter @skeletaldrawing or skeletaldrawing.comIn dinosaur news this week:News from poster sessions and 2nd day of talks at the 2019 meeting of the Society of Vertebrate PaleontologyEarly Mesozoic herbivores filled in ecological niches that were left because of extinctionsRegurgitalites (fossilized vomit) are out there, and they can give just as much information as coprolites (fossilized poop)Chemical testing of bones is looking to be a promising method of finding lost fossil localitiesScott Hocknull described three successful case studies of getting the public involved with dinosaur discoveries during construction projects and mining oper