Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.2.19B 故事解读《卧薪尝胆》



卧 wò verb, to lie down 薪 xīn noun, fire woods 尝 cháng verb, to taste 胆 dǎn noun, gallbladder 长江 chángjiāng noun, the Yangtze River 下游 xiàyóu noun phrase, downstream 征服 zhēngfú verb, to conquer 对方 duìfāng noun, the other side 强大 qiángdà adj, powerful; strong 会稽 kuàijī noun, a place in Zhejiang provice (near Shaoxing city of today) 战 zhàn noun, warfare 败仗 bàizhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one loses 胜仗 shèngzhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one wins 万般无奈 wànbān wúnài chengyu, helpless; there is nothing that one can do 派 pài verb, to send; to assign 求和 qiú hé verb, to sue for peace 表示 biǎoshì verb, to express that... 愿意 yuànyì adj, be willing to... 奴仆 núpú noun, slave(s) 谋臣 móuchén noun, counselors; strategists 纷纷 fēnfēn adv, one after another 要求 yāoqiú verb, to ask; to request 灭(掉)miè (diào) verb(phrase), to kill; to eliminate 免除 miǎnchú verb, to get rid of; to stop 后患 hòuhuàn noun, future trouble 骄傲 jiāo'ào adj, proud 建议 jiànyì noun, suggestion; proposal 夫妇 fūfù noun, married couple 粗布 cūbù noun, coar