Sound Bites With Melissa Joy Dobbins

157: Nutrition Research: Epidemiology & NHANES – Yanni Papanikolaou



While RCT (Randomized Controlled Trail) studies are the gold standard, there’s no perfect research study or methodology - every approach will have it’s inherent advantages and disadvantages. Despite some criticism, NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) offers a rich database of information surrounding health and nutrition. During this podcast, Yanni Papanikolaou, MPH, PhD candidate, covers the benefits, potential drawbacks, and ways we can strengthen nutrition research today, and in the future. Tune in to this episode to learn about: Yanni’s personal fitness “experiment” The pros and cons of nutrition research & epidemiology What NHANES is & what it is used for How we can strengthen research and studies The potential relationship between type 2 diabetes & cognition Industry-funded research   Yanni Papanikolaou is an accomplished, peer-reviewed author in scientific journals and book chapters, and has presented at domestic and international nutrition conferences. His current fo