Sound Bites With Melissa Joy Dobbins

127: Popular Diets 101: Keto, Atkins & Paleo - Dr. Taylor Wallace



Popular diets seem to dominate the nutrition airwaves. On today’s episode we share a basic overview of some of today’s popular diets and discuss the pros and cons of each one. We touch on these four popular diets: Keto, Atkins, Paleo and Plant-Based. Today’s guest is Dr. Taylor C. Wallace, PhD, CFS, FACN. He is Principal and CEO at the Think Healthy Group and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University. He is a regular guest on NBC and the Dr. Oz Show, bringing science and practical advice to the public. He is the Deputy Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Dietary Supplements, editor of six academic textbooks, an author of over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, and author of the new popular cookbook, Sizzling Science. Dr. Taylor has been a paid consultant to Atkins. Visit the shownotes at for more information. Resources: Dr. Taylor Wallace’s: NEW Cookboo