Art Class Curator

17: Art Teachers Abroad with Kristen Wilcox



If taking art trips with your students seems like a daunting and unachievable dream, you won’t want to miss today’s episode. There are ways to get your students out into the world to experience art first hand by seeing it and touching it. You’ll want to learn some of the tips that have allowed Kristen Wilcox to consistently expose her students to art first-hand! Kristen Wilcox is an art teacher that teaches different levels of art classes at Samuel Clemens High School in Texas. Much of Kristen’s art centers around her love for photography, but she dabbles in as many mediums as it takes to get the creative process started. She loves to travel and she tries to inspire her students to travel in order to learn art through the experience of seeing it in person. She helps her students earn the money and helps them plan their trips in order to facilitate this amazing hands-on exposure to art. She believes that students need to travel in order to get the full experience of learning art.     More in this episode: Ste