Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

46 - Time Management Hacks for Future Traders



Hack #1: Manage your Schedule by Cutting Unnecessary ActivitiesHack #2: Manage Your Work Through the Pomodoro TechniqueHack #3: Manage Your Energy by Slaying Vampires A few weeks back, I had an email conversation with a newer trader about the podcast. He seems to be getting some value out of this podcasting effort and I’m so glad he reached out. One of the things this listener shared was a great idea for a podcast. He was interested in how these experienced traders managed their time. And that is a great question to ask some of these traders. But before I delve too deeply in these traders’ lives on how they manage their time, I thought I’d throw out a few ideas that I’ve been using personally as I’ve been ramping up my trading again. Take em or leave em, but they seem to be working for me.