Art Class Curator

Teaching Art in a Treacherous Year: Interview with Teacher Mary Greim-Gallo



For this summer, I really want to focus on art teachers and what they went through in the last year teaching through the pandemic. Every teacher has a different story to tell about what they faced, and I want to talk about one of the hardest years in memory for teachers and celebrate getting through it. Looking forward to the new school year, what have teachers learned from this experience that’ll change the way they teach moving forward? Let’s take back the joy of reconnecting with art and reclaim our power as teachers and individuals by first reflecting on what we’ve gone through and the lessons learned. So in this episode, I start off by welcoming my first guest in a series of teacher interviews: Mary Greim-Gallo, a K-5 elementary art teacher in Rhode Island. 4:33​ - Mary’s art teaching philosophy and the classroom environment this past year 11:44 - Particular artwork lessons that connected really well with Mary’s students 14:20 - Regional art and having to carefully choose what to teach students 21:08 - W