Constant Procession

232 Constant Procession



Idleness, silos, anonymous comments and prayer. Plus the time when the Virgin Mary sought out a friend. There are overlooked aspects of the effect isolation due to the pandemic has on us and without communal prayer, we must double our personal efforts to pray to God on our own. The other day I was having trouble with a minor technical issue with my printer. I knew there would be someone on line who had a video with a fix. Naturally I went to ‘everyone’s go to video source’ on the internet to find a video that would demonstrate someone’s recorded solution to this printer’s problem. To my surprise, for this particular issue there was just one video. I played it. The narrator had a very thick accent, actually barely a command of the English language. For me, having grown up in a first-generation English language household, this is not an issue. For me It’s generally just a matter of paying closer attention to the words being spoken and in this case, the technical aspect of the issue helped with my understanding.