Art Class Curator

Treating Text and Art as a Sacred Practice for Growth with Vanessa Zoltan



Guess who I have on as my guest today! Long-time listeners know that I love the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast. One of the co-hosts, Vanessa Zoltan, has similar views about connecting with literature as I do with artwork. In this episode, she and I discuss her book Praying with Jane Eyre and how to use sacred text (or sacred art) as a tool to help you deal with some of life’s problems, do good in the world, and become a better person in the process. 2:24​ - Vanessa briefs us on her background in education and chaplaincy 4:46 - Vanessa explains why she loves Jane Eyre so much 8:15 - What it means for something to be sacred, according to Vanessa 10:22 - Exploring the idea of how treating text as sacred leads to treating your neighbor as sacred 16:35 - The gift Vanessa recently received while reading Jane Eyre that we can all heed 19:25 - A brief description of Vanessa’s book and why her chapter on destiny shook me so much 21:27 - How a recent controversy involving JK Rowling tested people’s capacity t