

Danny Lavery welcomes Kat Kinsman, the executive features editor at Food & Wine, author of Hi, Anxiety: Life With a Bad Case of Nerves, and founder of Chefs With Issues, an ever-evolving project that addresses the mental health crisis in the hospitality industry. Lavery and Kinsman take on two letters. First, someone who believes their partner is wasting their time, studying for a career they are not qualified for. Another letter writer is wondering how to talk to her brother about his sexual assault of her when they were children.  Support for people recovering from sexual abuse RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) - Survivors of Incest Anonymous - Hidden Water - If you enjoy this show, please consider signing up for Slate Plus. Slate Plus members get an ad-free experience across the network and exclusive content on many shows—you’ll also be supporting the work we do here on Big Mood, Little Mood. Sign up now at