Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day



A weekly, quick podcast of about 5 minutes that features a tip about the paleo, ancestral, or barbarian template type of lifestyle. A succinct summation by your own PaleoJay!



    06/02/2023 Duración: 10min

    Was it really for almost 3 long years that we had to wear useless masks, had our churches and schools largely closed, and we were forced to inject into our bodies toxic MRNA fake vaccines that didn’t even work to protect us?  And that now are proving to have done irreparable harm to our bodies, making us prone to myocardial diseases of the heart, often fatal?Yes, that is exactly what we’ve lived through- the biggest scam and hoax in history.  We are still not supposed to talk about it, as we continue to pretend that Dr. Slouchi is a veritable god, instead of a madman.  But, I am here to tell you now, that it is OVER.  Don’t ever allow something like this, a toxic Democrat autocratic Big Lie to happen, ever again.  It’s time for all of this to turn around.  For big medicine, big pharmaceuticals, big government, and big top-down control are all evil, and actually what the United States was founded to eliminate!  We need to get back to basics: self-autonomy, where each of US decides what is best for our own heal

  • Start YOUR Fitness Journey for 2023!

    02/01/2023 Duración: 11min

    It doesn’t matter where you are now.  Not at all.  This is, as they say, the first day of the rest of your life!  So let’s get started.It all starts with diet and exercise.  Everything in your future life of fitness and wellness. So, this January 1st of 2023 (or whenever you are reading this, I’m writing on January 1st) clean out your cupboards and refrigerator.  Get rid of anything toxic.  First and most importantly, get rid of any toxic seed or vegetable oils!  Corn oil, soy, canola, peanut and the rest- they are the most damaging fake foods you can consume. They are fake fats, that your body uses to replace natural good fats that your cells and brain is made of.  From now on, you only use beef tallow, lard, olive and coconut oil.  Not only will you be immeasurably healthier, but your food will taste much better as well.  Throw your old oils out.  Don’t even donate them to a food bank- all those oils are good for is machinery lubrication.  That is ALL.  Very toxic, trust me on this.And don’t forget- this in

  • Total Upper Body Maintenance podcast!

    30/11/2022 Duración: 11min

    OK- my last podcast was about walking backward, and so bulletproofing and building your lower body.  Remember, this is achieved by:Walking backward, usually against the resistance of an elastic band ideally,And then doing various ‘Knees over toes guys’ exercises, including deadlifts and stiff-legged deadlifts on a platform, aka Jefferson Curls.  Doing pistol squats while balancing on gymnastic rings is great, and deep lunges with total control to strengthen the entire leg.  Once again, the videos at ‘  can illustrate all of this superbly. But now, I have promised you all the bulletproof ways to build and maintain your upper body as well…  so here we go!First- walk backward against the resistance of a heavy elastic band, slowly and deliberately, back and forth, to completely work every muscle within your lower body!  Really, this is important enough to do each time you workout, which would include two days of the lower body, and two days of the upper body per week.  Four days per week- Mond

  • Get Ahead by Walking Backwards!

    24/10/2022 Duración: 09min

    I hope you are aware of the benefits of backward walking!  I first heard about this from Ben Patrick, the ‘knees over toes guy’, and he is really onto something big here.I am now 70 years of age, and I’ll tell you, this is around the age when many of my contemporaries are getting knee (and hip) replacement surgeries.  Trust me: this is something you would much prefer to avoid if possible; and I’m here to tell you that these knee surgeries are completely preventable!  In fact, most joint replacement surgery is preventable, simply through properly targeted exercises.  Despite what your MD might tell you!The top exercise you can do to preserve and enhance the strength and well-being of your entire leg and its accompanying joints is walking backward.  Simply by doing this, you are building the strength and conditioning of the parts of your legs that support and protect the joints.When you walk or run forwards, you are building one set of muscles- those that propel you to the front.  These allow you to jump, sprin

  • I have a Beef with Pork and Chicken!

    12/09/2022 Duración: 05min

    Conventional wisdom these days is to eat more vegetables and grains, and above all cut fat, saturated fat being regarded as particularly evil.  Butter and any form of animal fat is the devil incarnate- eat vegetable oils instead!The real truth is petty much the opposite.  The foundation of your diet should be animal products.  And of those, ironically: butter, eggs, beef tallow, and beef are the very best!  And again, contrary to modern fake ‘wisdom’: chicken and pork are the worst meat products.  They are low in fat generally, true; but the fat in chickens and pigs is generally from what they have eaten, which is usually corn.  This corn breaks down into linoleic acid, which is basically a vegetable oil that you get from these meats.  Grass-fed pork and pastured chickens are fine but much rarer and far more expensive than beef.  And beef, in addition, is far more nutrient dense!So, conventional wisdom is very wrong in general.  Think of the old food pyramid in the U.S., which had grains as the base of the py

  • How to Retire Properly

    12/08/2022 Duración: 15min

    I can just hear so many people on this: “HOW to retire??  What a joke- I already know how to do NOTHING!  I’ll sleep late, watch TV, and lay around eating whatever I want!  Perfect retirement.”Sounds good, but I’m afraid- quite naive and self destructive.  Do you really want your retirement to be the same as the life of a welfare person?  Someone who has never done a thing productive, and lives an unhealthy life of laziness and squalor?  For be assured, a life of ‘doing whatever I want’ and self indulgence is exactly that, and leads to a hell on this earth!  For to be plain: a life lived in unthoughtful ease and comfort, (with no discipline involved), will result in hell.  Not only for you, yourself, but for all who surround you: in your family, and in your community.  We are all created to be responsible, to serve a purpose, a role in society.  Focus only on yourself, and you will surely devolve into a total piece of shit, and it will be quick and final.  Your own self hatred will be the worst punishment of

  • A True Paleo Life is Both Beautiful, and Religious

    20/07/2022 Duración: 10min

    Modern life is seen to be practical and a cut-to-the-essentials type of living. Science will lead us now- no more superstition! And let’s be practical, above all!  No more Victorian frills and nonsense- from now on, we will ‘cut to the chase’ and ‘concentrate on the essentials above all’!Such a viewpoint is very shortsighted, and misses the forest for the trees.  Literally.  Case in point- Forest bathing, the practice of immersing oneself in nature for as much time as you can muster has been proven to be immensely beneficial.  Just by going into a forest, and wandering about (preferably barefoot), rejuvenative effects are huge.  This is a national movement in Japan, and has spread worldwide.  I suspect, given the industrial, crowded nature of modern Japan, that that is why they discovered how cut off they were from the essentials of nature, and why they felt the urgent need to recapture the benefits of nature itself.In the US, and in Europe, nature used to be known as rejuvenative, and necessary for mental, p

  • Be Your Own Doctor podcast

    11/06/2022 Duración: 14min

    I know that I have written and spoken about this before.  BUT, it’s been awhile, and it needs repeating since it is usually ignored: MOST of what you get from the standard medical clinics and doctors is untrue.  MOST!The information they give you is self-serving, and mostly misleading.For instance, I was having a conversation today about kidney stones.  ‘What causes them,’ I was asked.  ‘Oxalates from things like kale, spinach, and beet greens” I answered, since I KNOW.  Especially when concentrated in things such as green smoothies.So then, I decided to look it up, as if I was someone who did not know.  Someone with confidence in the standard medical paradigm of clinic and MD.  I read that animal protein and salt create kidney stones.  (WRONG)Vitamin C causes kidney stones. (WRONG)Then, I saw online that “global warming causes kidney stones”.  Climate Change and the KidneyDo I even need to say that this is wrong, and stupid, and actually retarded??This is the politically correct  nonsense that our standard m

  • Save time by working out Twice per day podcast!

    16/05/2022 Duración: 14min

    I know, working out twice per day sure doesn’t sound like a way to save time…But bear with me.  This scheme has been working wonderfully well for me for months now.Months ago, I started incorporating Ben Patrick’s ‘Knees Over Toes’ exercises into my routine.  If you haven’t started doing his revolutionary exercises of strengthening throughout the entire range of motion to restore and enhance function, it’s time to start!I have worked out religiously since about age 20 for my entire life.  I have no back or joint issues, despite working out heavily and having turned 70 recently.  Then, I watched some of Ben’s amazing videos on YouTube, about how he almost destroyed his body playing basketball in his youth.  He could barely hobble around, and after various surgeries he was told he would never play basketball competitively again- not good news for someone in his early 20’s!But Ben persisted, and with the guidance of mentor Charles Polaquin the strength coach, rebuilt himself from the ground up.  It is inspiring,

  • Drop Acid with Me!

    31/03/2022 Duración: 12min

    Drop Acid is the clever title of a new book by David Perlmutter, neurologist.  This is a ground-breaking book, with new knowledge of the importance of uric acid in your life.  And believe me: even if you’ve never heard of uric acid, or more commonly only see its importance in the relationship it has to gout- after reading this science heavy book, you will realize that uric acid is of utmost importance in relation to your overall health!If  you keep track of your uric acid levels, which is a waste product of your own body, and also a breakdown of purines in various foods, such as liver, and especially beer.  Uric acid does cause the painful disease of gout, and until recently that is the only causative damaging effect it was thought to have.  If you ask your doctor your uric acid level, and do not have gout, he will ask you why you want to know.  That is the only pertinent fact he knows about uric acid.Unfortunately, uric acid predicts overall mortality hugely!  If  your uric acid level is above a certain leve

  • The Paleo diet is Dead- Long Live the Paleo diet!

    04/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    Ok- the paleo diet was ground breaking in every way!  It was actually started by a man named Walter Voegtlin, who was a gastroenterologist.  He called it the ‘Stone Age Diet’, a diet that eliminated most all foods that came after the agricultural revolution approximately 10,000 years ago.After him, Loren Cordain is the one who revived it around 2005.  This is when I discovered it, and even wrote to Cordain about a health problem of my wife, and he graciously responded.  We adopted his diet, and her health problem resolved completely, and quickly!  That is when PaleoJay was born…Other Paleo gurus emerged, all of which had a lot to offer in different ways.  As in most other things, the approach evolved as more was discovered.  Trial and error, along with lots of research, caused the theory to evolve.  The one thing that remained constant was the ever-present knowledge, revealed by archeological records, that health and overall wellness had been far better for ancient humans when they consumed an evolutionarily

  • Retiring? Here’s Your REAL Job!

    06/01/2022 Duración: 14min

    So you are anticipating retirement?  Great- I did too for a long time, and I have good news for you: it can be wonderful!  Fulfilling, satisfying, and a long sight better than working a 9-5 job endlessly.  I have been retired now for 6 years, and am 69 years old and happier (and healthier) than I have ever been.But then, I also know a number of people who are very UNhappy in retirement, sadly.  They are like rudderless ships; with all day and all night at their disposal to do with as they will- they just drift.  The default is always television, and unfortunately before they retired, they set the stage for their retirement life by coming home at night and - watching TV!This has been exacerbated by the Covid lockdown, which has been a total disaster from the start, and basically accomplished nothing positive, in my opinion.    People have become addicted to streaming services, particularly leftist politically correct shows like those of Netflix.  Again, nothing positive accomplished…What you need to do, wherev

  • Find your Own Homeland

    23/12/2021 Duración: 16min

    When I suggest that you find your own homeland, I mean that you should not live in the same area in which you were born and grew up- unless that area is a rural, or small town conservative kind of place. Also, if you live in a solid blue, authoritarian state like Illinois, California, or New York, you should leave!  We are in strange times, and the very constitution of the United States is under attack by the new Jacobins.By this I mean the current ‘Democrats’, who no longer have any similarity to the former party of that name, and are now simply Jacobins, or in more modern parlance: Marxists.  If you know of, or remember the French Revolution, you probably know that, although it started because of an extreme inequality between the middle class and the ruling elite, it ended up in an extreme overreaction, and a slaughter of many, many people by the guillotine.  Also, the Jacobins, as these revolutionaries were called, decided to completely revamp French society itself, and were in every way like the modern ca

  • 1970’s Science in the Doctor’s Office

    17/11/2021 Duración: 14min

    If you are one of those people who run to the clinic to see a doctor for any little ailment, or just to get endless check ups to make sure you are all right; well, you are doing it all wrong my friend!  No offense, but medical interventions are usually the cause of more harm than good.Iatrogenesis is the term that defines this: it means death by doctor.  This means that the treatment or examination you undergo causes harm.  Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine from 2500 years ago in Greece, had as his fundamental tenet to early healers to first, do no harm!  In modern times, this prime directive has been discarded…Death by doctor is now the third leading cause of death!  Now, does this make you want to visit your doctor more often?  I certainly hope not: I would advise you to live as people used to live until around the 1970’s in the US at least.  Back in the 50’s and 60’s, when I grew up, we only went to the doctor if we were gravely injured or on our deathbed from a real sickness.  Doctors could do

  • Bulletproof Your Body and Mind

    11/10/2021 Duración: 15min

    I am 69 years old.  I mention this because it explains where I am at, and I want to discuss how priorities change over the years.  Not completely, but what is most important to you at age 20 or so is not the same as what you value most at age 40, 50, 60, or even (gulp) 70!Some things do stay the same, at least if you have chosen your priorities wisely.  Health and fitness were always important to me, although organized sports never were.  I was into cross country and track in high school, and music was also important.  I was a skinny kid, and so weight lifting, and then body building became important in my college days.  Good nutrition became paramount then, since you can’t build up from bad food.  I loved how good I felt!I was never motivated by money, for good or ill.  I don’t say it’s good or bad, but for me money just wasn’t ‘it’.  Not my raison detre, or reason for being.  I loved reading and literature, philosophy, music and only desired to earn money by honest physical labor.  Most of my peers back in

  • Knees Over Toes Guy Inspires Workout Add-Ons

    20/09/2021 Duración: 15min

    Ben Patrick, the Knees Over Toes Guy is a force to be reckoned with!  I have found, lo over these many years of seeking and discovering fitness and health, that certain pivotal figures tend to pop up as you go.  Frank Zane, body builder of the 60’s and 70’s along with Arnold Swarzzenegger inspired me early on.  Loren Cordain of early paleo, then Robb Wolf helped to guide me after that, along with others, into a focus on true health and nutrition.  Chris Kresser  is always a guiding light of health, and Mark Sisson has some points of light he has pointed out over the years.  And John Peterson was a revelation in terms of exercise, although he is now retired from the scene somewhere…But young Ben Patrick comes along, and appears to have done everything wrong in his youth, trying to play basketball only to ruin his knees and athletic aspirations young, by following conventional medical advice advocating always keeping your knees over your toes when exercising!  This, as has been said

  • Sports are not Exercise!

    19/08/2021 Duración: 13min

    I kind of hate to rain on anyone’s parade, particularly those who believe in the benefits of exercise!  But the thing it this: exercise is something that improves one’s body, something that makes you better physically.  Makes you stronger, more flexible, and/or more enduring.  That is the whole point of it!But we have been misled about this most important point- nowadays, any slightly demanding activity is put down as exercise.  Slowly jogging, or walking.  (Not exercise, not really- too undemanding and short of stimulating a physical improvement of any sort.)  And of course, things like: TennisBowling FootballSoccerDancingSwimmingBicyclingOlympic weight liftingDarts….I hope you get it by now.  Sports are recreation, not exercise per se.  Although some activities (I.e. Sports) are physically demanding, some more than others, they do not qualify as true exercise.  Exercise is a means of attaining greater physical health and ability.  Lifting weights, or using body weight resistance to improve muscular strength

  • Make Your LIFE Your Vacation podcast

    20/07/2021 Duración: 12min

    So very many people (most probably) look at their periodic vacations as being the  most valued part of their life.  The ONE thing that they focus on, and that is the most valuable part of their lives!They travel overseas, they go to white sand beaches and stay in fancy hotels and dine in amazing restaurants.  They may even do a little ‘Zumba’ or other hotel-sanctioned quasi-fitness activities to give the illusion of becoming healthy…Here is what I believe we should do instead:Strive to build a life that is sustainable, and something that you can do happily for the rest of your life.  “Simplify, simplify…” as Henry Thoreau said.  True contentment and happiness does not mean transitory situations that will impress your vapid friends on Facebook and cost lots of money and time.  Really think it through, and figure out what will really make you content and happy, without being concerned about the opinions of others.Long term, if we are looking back at our lives, what would pretty much ALL of us want to see as acc

  • Forget Cardio!

    21/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    http://www.paleojay.comThe truth is definitely in: the whole fiasco of Ken Cooper’s Aerobics mania is dead.  Along with the high fat diet is the worst,  and the even earlier notion of  ‘better living through chemistry’ which promoted the noxious idea that drugs could not only prolong our lives, but improve them.Despite Elvis and all the other following celebrities who were convinced that those ‘god-like’ prescription drugs could only make their lives better- after all, hadn’t science invented all of technology like cars and airplanes and tv- shouldn’t our biology also be improved upon by science and technology?Well, no.  As the whole Paleo Diet and lifestyle revolution showed us, basically we are unchanged since our paleolithic past, biologically.  Evolution is very, very slow, just as it is unforgiving of bad missteps.  (We are currently devolving intellectually in the Western world, sadly, because of bad ideas about immigration and multiculturalism, that are lowering our average IQ and diluting the obvious

  • Stretching, Virtual Resistance- and Then Strength! podcast

    24/05/2021 Duración: 12min

    I try to keep you all updated as to what I learn along this paleo journey.  Sometimes, as in anything increased experience and research results in slight changes on the path.  This doesn’t mean the path itself is invalid; it simply means that constant attention reveals small changes may be desirable.  For instance, now in the grocery checkout aisles (where at LAST I am no longer required to wear a stupid, ineffective mask!) I see the dumb women’s magazines touting ‘KETO DIET’!  instead of  Paleo, or Atkins, or Low Fat, or Vegan  Run Wild diets.  I think Paleo was rejected as a term, since most women think of themselves as Progressives.  But whatever: the term makes the most descriptive sense for the proper diet of HUMANS!A ketogenic diet is fine, with NO carbs and LOTS of fat, and ample protein.  But it is so extreme, it is clinical, really.  If I was diabetic, or had epilepsy, I would certainly go that route!  But for most of us?  Nope.  Paleo, or a total Carnivore diet fills the bill the best.  Including or

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