Solar Energy Show



The Solar Energy Show, hosted by Barry Cinnamon, is a weekly 30 minute talk show that runs every Sunday morning at 11 AM on KLIV Radio in San Jose, and the Renewable Energy World Network. Every week Barry provides practical money-saving tips on ways to reduce your home and business energy consumption. Barry Cinnamon heads up Cinnamon Solar (a San Jose residential C-46 solar contractor) and Spice Solar (suppliers of built-in solar racking technology). After 10,000+ installations at Akeena Solar and Westinghouse Solar, hes developed a pretty good perspective on the real-world economics of rooftop solar -- as well as the best products and services for homeowners, manufacturers and installers. His rooftop tinkering led to the development of integrated racking (released in 2007), AC solar modules (released in 2009), and Spice Solar (the fastest way to install rooftop solar modules).


  • IRA Incentives What's Really Available Today?

    06/10/2023 Duración: 18min

    The Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, became law in August 2022. It's packed with incentives across the entire value chain, including domestic manufacturing, energy-efficient products, and clean saving energy. But these fantastic incentives do not yet match the realities of what you can get today for your electrification project. The table below shows the most significant IRA electrification incentives that are available to homeowners in 2023, as well as pending IRA incentives in 2024. Many utilities, counties and cities also have localized electrification incentives, such as the SVCE and PCE rebates shown in this table. There's a clear divide between tax credit incentives and rebate incentives. Tax credits are the heroes, with no application process, simple documentation and automatic credit on next year’s tax return. The only downside with tax credit incentives is that they only make sense for homeowners who have an annual tax liability. Rebate incentives -- while well-intentioned — often get bogged down

  • How To Select The Best Home Battery

    27/09/2023 Duración: 19min

    Batteries were everywhere at September’s RE+ Conference in Vegas. I counted over 100 different battery company and system vendors. It was more of a battery and solar tracker show than a solar show — demonstrating the rapid evolution of these clean energy technologies. But out of a hundred batteries on the show floor, there are only half a dozen that I would recommend to homeowners. Home battery systems should provide reliable backup power during a blackout, and also generate utility bill savings. The vast majority of batteries I saw on the show were basically not ready for prime time. Here’s why… First, you need a complete battery system, not just a battery. In addition to the battery, these systems require controls, an inverter, an enclosure, a transfer switch, communications, and a lot of software. It’s extremely important that all these major components are controlled by one company. Batteries are not “plug and play” like printers and solar panels. Second, your battery system should be manufactured by

  • 54% of New Electricity Is From Solar - You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

    20/09/2023 Duración: 28min

    Proving the solar skeptics wrong, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) now expects that utilities will add 54.5 Gigawatts of solar generation capacity in 2023. And this capacity does not include 6.4 Gw of residential installations and 1.7 Gw of commercial installations expected in 2023. SIDEBAR: a Gigawatt is a billion watts of power. In 1955 the eminent Dr. Emmett Brown stated that the only power source capable of generating 1.21 Gigawatts is a bolt of lightning. Obviously things have changed in the future. For over 20 years the EIA predicted that fossil fueled power generation would continue as our leading source of new power generation. They’ve been among the biggest solar skeptics, predicting that solar would never catch up. But now, solar-generated electricity is the cheapest source for new power. By far. Utility solar plants generate electricity for less than $0.02/kwh, and residential rooftop systems generate electricity for less than $0.08/kwh. Compare that to the $0.16/kwh average costs

  • Solar and Storage Under New California Electric Rates

    22/08/2023 Duración: 07min

    HEADLINE: Higher Electric Rates and More Blackouts Unfortunately, this is the new normal for most of the U.S. In other words: SNAFU This situation will not change. It’s a little-known fact that utilities use our money to influence politicians to maintain their monopoly. To the tune of $18m in California just in 2022. Government regulators are supposed to ensure that utilities provide inexpensive, reliable and safe power. However, this poorly regulated capitalism is not working. Just look at your electric bills over the past few years. Count the number of blackouts you’ve had. Heard about any wildfires recently? Solar is the cheapest way to generate electricity, and batteries are a cost effective and reliable way to keep that power flowing. But ONLY when you own those solar panels and batteries. In spite of all the solar and battery investments made by utilities, our rates keep going up. We're experiencing record numbers of blackouts. And wildfires are becoming commonplace. The electricity game is rigged.

  • Biggest Electrification Roadblock is Your Utility

    05/07/2023 Duración: 17min

    Our society is moving rapidly towards electrification. Building electrification is good for the climate, good for our health, and good for our economy. We’ll all be using more electricity — it’s inevitable. Luckily, using all this extra electricity for our heating and our cars is inexpensive when you get it from rooftop solar and storage. But utilities have a monopoly on electricity distribution. They’re rubbing their greedy hands together like Montgomery Burns, safe in the knowledge that as long as their monopoly holds, people without solar and storage will have to pay exorbitant rates for power. All the tax credits, IRA rebates and local incentives that benefit homeowners to electrify will ultimately mean even more profits for utilities -- and much higher electric bills for everyone. Even though electricity rates are supposed to be regulated, when it comes to safe, clean and inexpensive power — money talks much more loudly than morality. It’s a little known fact that utilities around the country contribut

  • DIY Home Electrification Measures

    06/06/2023 Duración: 07min

    On this week’s show we’re talking about the first steps toward your home electrification project. What I call the Low Hanging Fruit. These are easy and cheap energy efficiency measures — most of which you can do yourself (DIY) or do not require any special contractors. Many people recommend starting with an energy audit of your home. However, unless you're working with a local energy auditor that knows your local conditions and incentives down to the city level, the standard energy audit recommendations are almost always wrong or out of order. Beware of utility energy audits and recommendations because they almost always ignore energy efficiency measures that cut back on their own revenues — such as installing solar and battery systems. So here are some of the Low Hanging Fruit electrification measures that you can do on a weekend with a trip to your local hardware store: * Replace all of your incandescent and compact fluorescent lightbulbs with LED bulbs * Eliminate Vampire loads in your house * Instal

  • Heat Pump Systems with Dennis Stinson of Fujitsu

    23/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    More heat pumps were sold in 2022 than gas furnaces. And that was before the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) kicked in, which provides an $8,000 rebate for most heat pump installations — on top of a $2,000 federal tax credit and city/county incentives that can exceed $3,000. Heat pumps are cleaner, more efficient and less expensive than most conventional gas furnaces and air conditioners. But the variety in heat pump system configurations, efficiency, and costs is enough to make even a geeky engineer’s head spin when trying to determine the best solution for a particular home. My guest on this week’s Energy Show is Dennis Stinson, VP of Sales at Fujitsu General America. Dennis has been in the heat pump business for over 30 years. Along the way he’s accumulated a wealth of practical knowledge about heat pump installations for just about every type of building in the U.S. So if you’re wondering what the difference is between a ducted and ductless system, why high efficiency heat pumps use inverters (but not th

  • Getting Started with Home Electrification

    23/05/2023 Duración: 04min

    How would you like to reduce your home energy costs, improve your health and comfort, and at the same time do your part to improve the environment? If your answer is “yes,” then listen to this week’s Energy Show episode. If your answer is “no,” then maybe you don’t need your share of the $10,000-$40,000 incentives that are available for your home. The concept of Home Electrification is simple: you replace gas appliances with electric appliances — either all at once, or as the old gas appliances stop working. But the whole-home electrification process can be daunting. You will need to evaluate the costs and incentives for each electrification measure, hire several different types of contractors, and then sort through their varying recommendations. The biggest barrier to Home Electrification is that people just don’t know where to start. So here is my recommended Three Step Electrification Process: * First, attack what I call the Low Hanging Fruit — mostly simple DIY changes like installing LED lighting, we

  • Lessons Learned Installing Battery Storage Systems

    14/02/2023 Duración: 01h42min

    Batteries are becoming an essential part of home solar systems. With solar-connected batteries, homeowners can avoid paying peak utility electricity charges. Batteries can provide backup power during blackouts. And if you’re in California, after net metering ends in April 2023, you will need batteries to avoid peak electric rates. In the old days, automobile-style lead acid batteries were used for backup power and time-shifting energy use. I still have holes in my old blue jeans where battery acid splashed (my kids think they are fashionable now). Starting in 2016, lithium ion batteries became popular for home use. Now, over 50% of our customers are installing batteries with their solar systems. My guest on this week’s Energy Show is Magnus Asbo, Senior Director of Technical Marketing for SolarEdge. I’ve known Magnus for almost 15 years, starting when we worked together on the first AC solar module. He’s a wealth of knowledge when it comes to designing and installing practical battery systems. Some of the

  • What's an Atmospheric River.. and Why Should I Care

    05/01/2023 Duración: 12min

    According to Wikipedia -- which has supplanted the Oxford English Dictionary and Encyclopedia Brittanica as the world’s definitive source of information -- an Atmospheric River consists of narrow bands of enhanced water vapor winds that form over the oceans. In plain English, Atmospheric Rivers are windy rainstorms that dump a huge amount of water in a relatively short time. They account for about 50% of annual precipitation – so these storms are critical to reducing California’s current drought conditions. Since our crews work on rooftops, we’re very concerned about rooftop safety. As a result we always look at forecasts when planning rooftop work for our customers. This morning I noted that significant rain is projected for eight of the next nine days. In over 22 years of installing solar in Silicon Valley I have never seen such a severe and extended series of storms. The National Weather Service is predicting that this next atmospheric river storm will be as bad or worse than the recent New Year’s Eve d

  • Fusion Power Breakthrough...Really?

    21/12/2022 Duración: 16min

    Fusion Power Breakthrough...Really? by Barry Cinnamon

  • Probably True Solar Stories

    30/11/2022 Duración: 38min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Over the years I’ve heard thousands of stories about people, companies and products in the solar industry. Fascinating to a solar geek like me, but too much in the weeds for most homeowners. As the solar and storage industry goes mainstream, we need to communicate to customers in a more mainstream way. Hence the need for storytelling — especially stories that have relevance to people’s daily lives. Sorry, I can’t do it…my stories are just too geeky and boring. Tor Valenza, AKA “Solar Fred,” has just what we need. Tor is a longtime solar expert and marketing guru — who also has a background in television screenwriting. His first season of “Probably True Solar Stories” provides a fictional look at how solar energy is increasingly becoming part of American pop culture, careers, politics, family life, and urban legends. The “Probably True” characterization gives Tor the opportunity to tell stories about solar’s heroes, villains, and urban legends in real-life a

  • Smart Environmental Policy

    02/11/2022 Duración: 29min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Entrepreneurs are the job engine in the United States. Many of the companies founded by today’s entrepreneurs have products or services addressing environmental needs. New technologies almost always gain traction through the work of stubborn entrepreneurs, including solar, wind, electric vehicles and energy storage. Public policies that encourage these new technologies are critical to their success in the market. Without smart environmental policies such as the solar investment tax credit, net metering, renewable portfolio standards and the wind production tax credit, the solar and wind industries would be a fraction of their current size. And when these new technologies gain traction with customer economics better than previous energy technologies, adoption of these new technologies accelerates. The recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will turbocharge the deployment of clean energy technologies. Policies like the IRA do not sprout spontaneou

  • Vampire Electric Loads in Your Home

    28/10/2022 Duración: 22min

    We’re talking about VAMPIRES on this week’s show — vampire electric loads. It’s Halloween season, and these little energy suckers are insidious. I guarantee that you have dozens of little devices plugged into your home that are using a small amount of standby power, sucking energy all day and night. It really adds up, and causes nightmares for energy geeks like me. Research shows that these “plug loads” are about 1/3 of a home’s total energy consumption. We’re not talking about big appliances or lighting – but sneaky little things plugged in or wired in all around your home. Think about what you have. Obvious vampire loads are devices sitting out in plain site like computers, routers, Wi-Fi repeaters, phone chargers, TVs, cable boxes, cable modems, entertainment consoles and appliances (anything with a clock and an illuminated LED). Less obvious vampires are things like security systems, motion detectors, lighting control systems and integrated audio systems. The really sneaky devices that you might not se

  • Best Run Solar Companies

    26/10/2022 Duración: 34min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon The best run solar companies I know are those that focus on a geographic region, and grow slowly and steadily. As with most other construction businesses, local companies generally understand their local markets better and have lower overhead — enabling them to provide better customer service at lower prices. The results are lower customer acquisition costs, more upgrades and ongoing service revenues. On this week’s Energy Show we have the pleasure of speaking with Vince Battaglia, the CEO of Renova Energy. Renova started as Vince’s MBA thesis; fifteen years later Renova is now the leading solar installation company in the Coachella Valley. Like many other local solar installation companies, Renova has expanded its residential solar installation business to include commercial installations, system maintenance and battery storage. Renova recently announced their expansion into Phoenix and Las Vegas — both of which are hot markets for solar (in more ways than o

  • Gas Stations Are Cheaper Than Public EV Charging

    04/10/2022 Duración: 30min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Adoption of EVs will hit a brick wall when people realize how ridiculously expensive it is to charge EVs at work or at public charging stations. And these charging costs will continue to go up as the price of grid electricity skyrockets. Electric utilities have rigged the system for EV charging infrastructure so that they maximize their profits. Unfortunately, well-intentioned research studies — such as “Charging infrastructure access and operation to reduce the grid impacts of deep electric vehicle adoption” from Stanford — completely miss the point by ignoring customer costs. The headline from this study “Charging Cars At Home At Night Is Not The Way To Go” is flat out wrong. Moreover, this study recommends that drivers charge their cars at work, which is actually the MOST expensive place to charge an EV. Here is a summary of monthly charging costs based on 1,000 miles of driving per month in California: Charging at work costs a host company $221/month C

  • Solar for Commercial Buildings

    14/09/2022 Duración: 17min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Every time I fly into a city the glare from bright white commercial rooftops screams out to me “I need solar panels.” It is a little known fact that the 30% solar investment tax credit coupled with 20%+ depreciation benefits makes commercial rooftop solar the most cost-effective way of supporting local electric grids. Just think about how much more power would have been available to California if only 10% of commercial rooftops had rooftop solar + batteries. However, the commercial solar and storage market lags behind the utility and residential solar markets in the U.S. for three main reasons: First, many commercial buildings in the U.S. are leased. Renters generally do not want to make the capital investments necessary to install solar and storage on buildings that they do not own. Power Purchase Agreements coupled with fast paybacks can overcome this financial limitation. Second, utilities complicate the interconnection of commercial systems by requiring

  • Solutions to California's Power Problems

    05/09/2022 Duración: 27min

    copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Mr. Burns of Simpson’s fame — the personification of utility greed and political power — is happily rubbing his hands together as California roasts in the dark. And this situation will get much worse in the coming years. First, there is insufficient power during heat waves. Even with large solar and wind farms, gas peaker plants, one remaining nuclear plant, and long distance transmission lines importing power — the state is dangerously close to rolling blackouts. As I write this, the predicted power demand is 51,000 megawatts and the theoretical supply of power is 56,000 megawatts. Too close for comfort if temperatures are higher, if power plants go off line, if wildfires get worse, if people do not respond to flex alerts, and if there are also power shortages in nearby states. Second, electric rates are skyrocketing. Rates increased 3% from 2000 to 2015, 6% from 2015 to 2020, and 14% in 2021 and 2022 (so far) — all before the impact of inflation over the p

  • Use the Savings from the IRA to Maximize your IRA!

    31/08/2022 Duración: 34min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon I was recently a guest on the Rob Black Show. Rob is a popular TV, radio and podcast financial expert. So in a twist, we talk about leveraging the savings from the Inflation Reduction Act to maximize your Individual Retirement Account. There’s been lots of news coverage about homeowner’s saving money from the solar, battery, heat pump and energy efficiency incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act. What is less apparent is that, as the IRA spurs adoption of new energy technologies, the companies that provide these technologies will also see rapid growth in their businesses. Please tune into this week’s Energy Show — courtesy of Rob Black — to learn about the impact that the Inflation Reduction Act will have on both homes reducing their energy costs as well as businesses that provide these benefits.

  • The Inflation Reduction Act

    16/08/2022 Duración: 33min

    Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon This week’s Energy Show podcast is about the IRA. Even if you’re retired or Irish, the inaptly-named Inflation Reduction Act is the most important legislation for clean tech ever. We’ll talk about the big picture of U.S. energy generation and use, and then delve into how much homeowners can save with the incentives in the IRA. I downloaded all 755 pages of this bill so I could check the legal details in the fine print (DeVinne 18 pt). Congress threw the entire clean tech kitchen sink into the IRA, along with some much-needed social programs. There is no doubt in my mind that the IRA will accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels – particularly as homeowners electrify their homes and stop using gasoline and natural gas. The IRA has the potential to reduce U.S. emissions by 42% by 2030. Nevertheless, ten years from now the climate will still be hotter. Moreover, accelerated utility investments in electric generation infrastructure will likely double ele

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