Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo



Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • MEDITATION: Self Trust

    11/08/2017 Duración: 21min

    It can be really challenging to discern between your inner voice of fear and the guidance of your inner wisdom - which is why I am sharing this Self Trust Meditation with you, which is from the Self Love Meditation Album I created (www.SelfLoveMeditation.com). It's a short but mighty way to connect with your Inner Wisdom about a situation, challenge, or choice you might be facing - to help you presence the doubt or fear and potential self sabotage to cut through to the wisdom and truth in your heart and soul.  Self trust is one of the 10 parts of cultivating a strong inner foundation, a strong self-love. Self trust is the ability to listen to one's inner guidance, gain clarity from within and then act from that inner truth no matter what, even if it scares you or leads you to do things differently than others.  When a woman or girl knows how to tell the difference between the inner force that reacts from fear, shame and judgment and sabotages her and the inner force that guides her from loving truth, to respo

  • Ep45: SUPPORTED: Are You Getting the Support You Need?

    03/08/2017 Duración: 45min

    YOU DESERVE TO BE AND FEEL SUPPORTED... press pause on the outside world and let's get you the support you need (it's not weak to need support, it's stupid not to know what you need and ask for it and then use your Feminine Power to co-create it.)  Reality: Women operate like banks who only give withdrawls -we give and give support but we don't RECEIVE the support we need, in our work and families to keep us healthy and well taken care of. Then we get sick or frustrated, feel exhausted and overwhelmed and begin to resent the things we love the most. And the hard truth is, we do it to ourselves. Hard Truth: We don't ask for the support we NEED and REQUIRE. Instead we sacrifice ourselves and our health, we sabotage ourselves, and we settle - and this is so not self loving or feminine power.  In this week's Feminine Power Time, I, Christine Arylo, invite you to join me and women and good men around the world to take a stand for getting the support you need so you can FEEL and BE supported in your work, your rela

  • Ep44 Love Blocks: Are You Blocking Love?

    27/07/2017 Duración: 44min

    Our beautiful, loving, open hearts have at one time or another been tromped on, broken or betrayed and so our normal, and probably necessary action at the time, was to build walls, force "fields, layers of protection around our hearts… resulting in us creating stories and sabotaging patterns that make us work harder than needed, make us feel lonely, disconnected and like the world is on our shoulders, and keep us from the loving, respectful vibrant partnerships, friendships, families and work relationships we desire.   No matter how powerful, self confident or externally successful most people block the love – support, recognition, joy, connection, intimacy and fun – they crave.   In this feminine power time podcast, Christine Arylo for an illuminating conversation to explore: Signs you are blocking love and support and connect Why all people create blocks to love and support and connection Reveal your specific ‘love cracks’ How to identify what strategies you’ve put into place to protect yourself

  • Ep43: COMMITMENT: Using the super power of commitment to focus and fuel what matters most to you

    20/07/2017 Duración: 42min

    You can set intentions. You can have desires. But without commitment nothing sticks, projects fizzle out, you dabble instead of thrive, you try to please everyone and do everything. The Yogi's go so far as to say that without commitment you will never find happiness. But when you choose to consciously commit - to the people, the projects, and the purposes that matter most to you ... wow! you gain super power.  Committing doesn't just happen and isn't just a one time thing. It's a choice we have to make consciously and often have to re-commit. At key times during the year, wise women take a power pause to ask the question "What am I committed to?" and then design their lives and make their choices based on those commitments.  Join Christine Arylo, host of Feminine Power Time, for a power pause to get clear on what you really desire to be committed to giving your life force and resources to. In this episode you will explore the 4 P's of commitment and take action to commit to what matters: Shift your relations

  • MEDITATION: Power Pause Mid Year at Solstice

    25/06/2017 Duración: 21min

    Where will you choose to direct and spend your powerful and precious life force -energy, time, and care this second half of the year? What really matters to you? What could flourish - in your work, your relationships, your personal wellness and growth - if you just focused there? What could drain you?  These are the inquiries wisdom requires us to ask ourselves if we desire to stay focused on what really matters and direct our energy and resources in powerful focused ways instead of fragmenting our energy trying to too do much, the wrong things, or the wrong things at the wrong time. Every June Solstice, I, Christine Arylo, women's leadership advisor and transformational catalyst, take a "Power Pause" for myself and for years I have been leading others to take these power pauses as ways to strengthen their careers, businesses, health, wealth, relationships and happiness. This year I led a virtual retreat, a one day retreat in Valley of the Moon Wine Country, a 3-hour retreat for a tech companies Women Leaders

  • Ep 42: Power Pauses: The Feminine Super Power Practice of Pausing

    15/06/2017 Duración: 47min

    "The Wisdom is in the Pause.. I am here to remind you not to fear the pause... Some of the most courageous people I know are scared of it, as I have been myself." - Alice Walker, nobel prize winning writer of the Color Purple.  You and I both know that we NEED to pause on a consistent basis - daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. The scientests have finally proven what yogis and mystics have known for centuries - not only does taking a pause - be it sleep, meditation or a walk in nature - clear our minds and restore our bodies - it literally is what Wisdom requires if you want to run your life from Wisdom vs the collective overculture, status quo and conventional wisdom.  Yet left to our habits and patterns we will choose to fill the space, or run the outdated "i don't have time program" and then as a result focus on the wrong things, or too many things and our power gets fragmented and our lifeforce drained.  This is where using what I call the Feminine Super Power of Pause + the practice of power pausing can help

  • EP 41: Feminine Super Power of FLOW - Create a Rhythm for Your Life that Sustains Not Drains You - And Supports You To Get What Matters Most Done!

    08/06/2017 Duración: 43min

    We lead crazy paced lives in part because we have made the unconscious choice to allow the rhythm of our life to be dictated by the pace the patriarchy and over culture has set - keeping us frenzied, fragmented and not focused on what truly matters. And there is another choice...   Feminine wisdom shows us how to be in the world without being of the world, by taking the powerful act to consciously set the patterns and rhythms of days, weeks, months and years in a way that creates harmony, not havoc. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, for this Feminine Power Time, the 3rd in the Breaking Through the Myth of Balance Series, as we illuminate a different way to live - so we can focus on what matters, be the most powerful presences of change, without exhausting ourselves and our resources including: Indigenous, feminine and yogic wisdom for tapping in to the natural order of the cosmos and the earth to create a more natural order and flow to your life How to structure your days, weeks, months

  • Ep 40: The Intensity Trap: Are You Caught Up in the Swirl?

    01/06/2017 Duración: 41min

    I'm so busy. I have so much to do! Happy to get sick just so I can rest. I have to work this hard all the time. Moving so fast you lose things, forget things, or your body revolts. Feeling overwhelmed by the craziness of the world. Sucked into the internet, news or social media for more than 15 minutes. Your energy getting sucked up by other people's or the world's drama. These are all signs you have fallen in to the "Intensity Trap" where the pace you are working and managing life at is not sustainable, but it's become 'normal.' Where you let your valuable energy and time get derailed by the happenings in this world in ways that don't empower you or change a thing, but just rile you up to meet the intensity and craziness.   There is no question we live in intense times. No question that 'busy' and stretched beyond capacity is what we all feel. But it's all a trap - created by systems that were designed to exploit human capacity, distract feminine power and burn you out - physically and emotionally. But like

  • Ep 39: Breaking The Myth of Balance: The Feminine Super Power of Harmony

    25/05/2017 Duración: 44min

    There is a reason we find it so hard to "find balance" or 'create work/life balance' - Balance in the way it's held in our mainstream culture is not possible, or even what we truly desire. Balance can't be found, it's not lost. Work/life balance as an equation for success is the wrong equation. It cannot solve the stress, tension and overwhelm we feel because it is an equation that creates a duality reality which by nature creates tension between two things. Think about it - are there just two parts to your life - work and everything else? No wonder we feel like we don't have enough time or space... we are trying to stuff everything we care about together in half an equation. Using the 'super power' of Feminine Wisdom to get out of the balance chasing game, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, invites you into this special Feminine Power Series "Breaking Through the Myth of Balance" ... a series dedicated to exploring and sharing a different way of living and leading your life that actually supports

  • Ep 38: To Be a Mother or Not to Be a Mother? That is Not the Question

    14/05/2017 Duración: 01h23min

    At some point in her life every woman is faced with the question of whether she will have children or not have children. It's a very personal question that we don't have a lot of wisdom and ritual around in our culture, which can lead to a lot of stress, anxiety, personal doubt and shame, and even a lot of separation and judgement among the best of friends. The very question around motherhood itself sets us up for separation and self judgment because it's a yes/no duality based question, which automatically creates limitation with only two choices. Either I have a child if I want to be a mother or I don't. This polarizing approach to motherhood also puts a lot of pressure on a woman to have a body that can produce a child or can beat the clock or that she can justify a reason if she chooses not to birth children. Feminine Wisdom guides us to make inquiries that expand possibility and bring us deeper into our own personal truth. A wiser question - one that can lead us to our own inner truth and feminine power

  • EP 37 Strengthen Your Sisterhood: Deepen Your Female Connections + Create Your Sisterhood Circle

    04/05/2017 Duración: 55min

    We need sisterhood. And I don't use that word 'need' lightly. But in this case it is true. We need the support, love, care, witnessing that can only come from another woman.  Even women who have amazing supportive partnerships with a beloved need sisterhood. There is just something about the feminine bond that our hearts crave, our souls blossom from and our bodies and minds relax in. We know this. Yet... Why is it so hard for us to cultivate the sisterhood we need? And why does the space for it often get put last on the list? Creating soulful connections with other women is essential yet most of us were not taught HOW to cultivate the intimate connections we need to thrive. And as our guest Shasta Nelson, friendship expert and one of my dear soul sisters, reports after studying female relationships for over a decade, Friendships Don't Just Happen.  Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time - # 3 in a 4 part series on our Feminine Bonds - with feminine leadership advisor and spiritual catalyst Christine

  • SALON: Shadow of Sisterhood: Betrayal, Competition & More that Destroys the Feminine Core

    27/04/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    Our strength as women has always come from our bonds to the women in our lives. When the bonds are strong, it's like we feel connected to a timeless unbreakable rope that keeps us safe and strong no matter the storm and we can do and face anything.  Yet sisterhood, true sisterhood is anything but easy. I've seen and experienced myself the carnage that can come through the wounds our relationships with other women can cause, even from truly conscious women. Blame. Betrayal. Competition. Cliques. Cutting Off. Maybe you can relate? Collectively, sisterhood has also been at the root of all the great risings of feminine power, and the tears in the fabric of the sisterhood have dismantled and weakened these feminine risings, slowing the momentum.  Tune in this special Feminine Power Time Salon, with Christine Arylo and special female leaders spanning 3 generation and 3 continents, as we explore:  * How the shadow in female relationships and pressure from outside systems weakened the feminine movement of the 1960's

  • Ep. 36 Mother Love: The Feminine Love We Need + How to Source It

    20/04/2017 Duración: 43min

    "THERE IS A GREAT MOTHER LOVE AVAILABLE THAT CAN ACT AS THE SAFE AND SOFT HARBOR YOU NEED TO STAND STRONG + FEEL SUPPORTED. IT WILL HOLD YOU, SOOTHE YOU, AND GIVE YOU UNSTOPPABLE COURAGE." When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.” Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the need for it, although we sadly forget how much we do need it. Mother love is… the deep, all-embracing, all-accepting, nourishing, nurturing, warm, safe, supportive love that soothes the places inside our hearts that feel scared and lonely. Mother love is… the strong love that we can fall into when we are stressed, stretched, uncertain, and feeling like we just can’t handle what’s happening in our life. Sourcing Mother Love is not something most of us were taught how to do. In this Fe

  • Ep 35: Feed The Feminine First

    13/04/2017 Duración: 37min

    Self care is one thing. Feeding the Feminine First takes getting what YOU need on a daily basis to an entirely new, deeper level. The truth is you already know how to take care of yourself. The challenge is in giving yourself PERMISSION to receive what you need & in finding SMALL BUT MIGHTY ways to nourish, nurture, and get what you need in the midst of taking care of so much. Feeding the Feminine First is an invitation to doing your life differently in small ways that have a big impact. Christine Arylo shares a new perspective on self-care that goes beyond the mental into the spiritual, sharing insights and small rituals you can do daily and monthly to nourish & nurture yourself. Includes a meditation to check in on where you are feeling depleted & where you are thriving and an invitation to join women around the world, choosing to embrace what Feeding the Feminine First means. To receive the Feed the Feminine First daily morning practice - get the free Feminine Super Power Kit at www.Christinear

  • Ep 34: The Lie About Time & Your Power to Create Space

    06/04/2017 Duración: 40min

    I have never met a woman who does not desire more space in her life - for herself, for spending time with those she loves, for doing the things she loves... yet when it comes down to making choices to 'spend time' on herself, women feel guilty, like they should be spending their time and money on others or "more responsible" things, and like it's just impossible to 'find the time' to 'make the time' their hearts and souls crave.... and that literally their lives and health depend on.   Breaking this paradigm of never having enough time isn't just some nice luxury of pampering... our very health and lives depend on changing our relationship to time so we can create the space we need physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo invites us to: See how we are screwing ourselves out of what we need because we've bought into and are living on a 'linear time based' system that by nature makes us feel like we are behind and don't enough time. Invoke and learn

  • MEDITATION: Spring Equinox Super Power for Focusing Your Life Force

    23/03/2017 Duración: 22min

    the March Equinox is one of the 4 most powerful times of the year to press pause on the outside world, unplug from the madness matrix and tune into a deeper Wisdom within to get insight into how to best focus your life force and resources - in your work, relationships, personal health, wealth, home and happiness - for the coming year. Without pausing at this time to reflect and consider all the possibilities of what you COULD do, to gain WISDOM about what really matters and what will reap the best harvest, you end up trying to do too much and focused on the wrong things - and then burnout.  Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and spiritual catalyst, in this episode of Feminine Power Time - a special Spring Equinox Meditation - and: Acknowledge all you have already done and become - so you create from a strong foundation Get wisdom about how to use this time of the year to super power your work, relationships, health, wealth and life  Receive 3 wisdom inquiries that will help you get clear about

  • Ep 33: Reboot Your System: Mother Nature's Spring Telegram

    16/03/2017 Duración: 43min

    If you want to have more balance, harmony & vitality, mimic Mother Nature. Feminine Wisdom tells us that how we operate in the winter - the foods we eat, the pace we work at, the patterns and habits that form our daily routine and therefore our health and happiness - is perfect for the winter (you don't have to beat yourself up for gaining weight or now put yourself on some crazy cleanse). AND...it is time for a shift.  I call this the "Spring Forward Reboot" At Spring Equinox, which is right around March 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, it's as if Mother Nature sends out a telegram with instructions on how to make the shift in a way that will be loving, supportive and nourishing. So that just as the natural world is making a shift, you are too.  In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, shares the art of yearly reboot based on Feminine Wisdom: Why it's okay to gain weight in the winter and crave and consume sweet things What NOT to do when you get the

  • You Are Doing Enough: Feel and Believe It.

    02/03/2017 Duración: 37min

    “I feel like I am not doing enough. I feel like I can’t get it all done. I feel like I should be able to do more.” Ugh –the crazy making, pressure filled thoughts that run through our head. Making the most accomplished, amazing woman feel like a failure. If you ever feel like you aren’t doing enough, having a big enough impact or should be able to do more, you are going to love this episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo – “You Are Doing Enough” where she illuminates how: NOT to take on the weight of the world and still be a caring person who is part of making shift happen NOT to take on taking care of everyone and everything by amping up your Feminine Super Power of Intuition TO attune your inner timing to Divine timing so your resources and life force is best focused and used TO get yourself out of an Inner Mean Girl attack when you are feeling like you are not doing enough There’s more – including receiving some direct love beams from Christine to really HEAR and RECEIVE the truth of how muc

  • SALON: Stay STRONG - Promise to Stay True to + Love Yourself

    16/02/2017 Duración: 01h44min

    In this special Feminine Super Power Salon, join Christine Arylo, founder of the Path of Self Love School, feminine leadership advisor and transformational teacher who other teachers call "the Queen of Self Love" for her dedication to making self-love an accessible, tangible, practical, powerful and fun path and practice that gets to the ROOTS under so many of the challenges we face as individuals and a culture to:  Identify where your self love foundation is weak and strong and where to most focus your 'inner work' this year to stay strong Receive wisdom about how to STAY STRONG in a feminine way where you can be compassionate and fierce, open and focused, giving and receiving in balance Claim for yourself a powerful set of self love promises that will support you to stay strong - clear, focused, true - this coming year no matter what is swirling on the outside Create a "STAY STRONG" mantra "heart art" poster that keeps you committed to YOURSELF and WHAT MATTERS MOST this coming year To watch the video str

  • Ep 31: Stay Strong The Feminine Way

    09/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    STAY S.T.R.O.N.G. is the self love mantra we're inviting people to embrace and practice for this year ahead which will be intense and uncertain - we need to be strong on the inside so we don't get swept away but what's swirling on the outside. Not as in strong like the dominating macho or self sacrificing martyr or tireless machine kind of way. But strong in the feminine way: S - Speak your truth + stay connected T- Trust yourself  R- Rest + Replenish O- Own your power + play your part  N - Nourish your heart & soul desires G - Give & Receive    Join Christine Arylo for this episode of Feminine Power Time and begin to consider what support YOU need to stay strong this year on all four levels - emotional, physical, relational and spiritual.  So you can stay centered in your life - focused, clear, confident and compassionate no matter what emerges on the path.      Then join Christine on the 10th global Self Love Day - February 13th - for a Feminine Super Power Salon and make a set of self love prom

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