Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 252:02:07
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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 41: Find Your FLOW: Reclaim the Pace & Rhythm of Your Life (rebroadcast)

    07/06/2019 Duración: 51min

    As we approach the mid year point, ask yourself how is the pace and rhythm of your life working for you? Are you focused on what matters? Do you even have the space to focus on what matters? The truth is the swirl of the world & the pace of the systems you work in aren't going to slow down... but you do have the power within you to set the rhythm of your life differently. But... "You only discover balance in your life when you learn to trust the flow of the ancient rhythm" - john O'Donohue.  What does that mean? I will share more with you...   I broadcast this episode the last two years at this same time, and decided to share it again because as I listened to it myself today I was inspired by what I said. I couldn't say it better a second time.  So using two feminine leadership principles I'll share at the start of our conversation, I share this timeless wisdom with you for this time now. Tune in xoxo. About this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo: We lead crazy paced lives in part because we have m


    31/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    Are you receiving the support, love and care you need? Are you receiving more than you are giving? Do you feel held by the Universe? Do you feel like you can let go and it won't all fall apart? Most of us don't. We are strong achievers and self less care givers, but we suck at receiving.  At the root of all the burnout, self sacrifice and overwhelm are the ways in which we are blocking what we actually desire or need to receive.  "Opening to Receive" is a practice I believe we all need in our regular rotation... it's too easy to push away the support we need, not ask for what we need, or try to do too much on our own. Do you even know what receiving really is??  There is lots to say about receiving, but rather than talk about it, as an end to our 3-part series on Overwhelmed and Over It, I wanted to give you an experience to OPEN TO RECEIVE... more of whatever it is you need. A meditation for receiving more support, connection and trust  An experience that would help you release the blocks you have in place t

  • 94B: Are You Overgiving and Under Receiving?

    24/05/2019 Duración: 41min

    *Reposted as previous post only had 1/2 the podcast :) We women have been trained to operate like banks - where we give give give withdrawls all day long, but never take in deposits. Result? We bankrupt ourselves. We've been raised to be strong achievers and self-less care givers, but not strong receivers.  We push away support when it shows up. Deflect compliments.  Accept working 60-80 hours a week as normal, and will even skip lunch, going to the bathroom, drinking water just so we can keep pushing through. We give to our families and friends, even when we can't afford to give the energy, time, effort, money. We need a new equation that empowers us to GIVE AND RECEIVE. Which I have. But first, we have to get real about WHY we OVER GIVE.  The reasons we sacrifice and sabotage ourselves are rooted deep in our hearts - where the feelings and fears we'd rather not feel live. #truth  The path to liberating yourself and others out of the ways of working and living that lead to burnout and self sacrifice is throu

  • 93: Overwhelmed & Over It., Why It's Not Your Fault: #2 of 3

    17/05/2019 Duración: 45min

    There are real reasons why no matter how many self care, stress management, or life hack strategies you try or how hard you try to do things like get sleep, eat well so you can thrive, that you cannot get out of the burnout, self sacrifice or overwhelm. It's not your fault that you feel so stretched. There are REAL systemic reasons that keep you trapped in unsustainable realities.   And... You are the only one with the power to change it.  The good news is, you are not alone - we are ALL feeling this way. And today I am inviting you to join me to take a step towards your personal liberation out of overwhelm and burnout. Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, teacher and author for "Overwhelmed and Over It!: Why It's Not Your Fault - The 5 Truths that Can Liberate You from Burnout & Self Sacrifice" These truths took me a decade to unearth.  I think you will find them empowering and illuminating. Together, armed with the 'truth' we have the first

  • 36: MOTHER LOVE: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition (replay)

    12/05/2019 Duración: 43min

    So many women I'm talking with are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like this week need more "mother love" - it's so powerful, does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time....  "THERE IS A GREAT MOTHER LOVE AVAILABLE THAT CAN ACT AS THE SAFE AND SOFT HARBOR YOU NEED TO STAND STRONG + FEEL SUPPORTED. IT WILL HOLD YOU, SOOTHE YOU, AND GIVE YOU UNSTOPPABLE COURAGE." When you read the words ‘mother love’ you likely go right to thinking about the mother who gave birth to you or the mother who raised you. And while that mother definitely has a role to play in our lives, she cannot be our only source of “mother love.” Mother love is... a specific kind of love that every human being needs – we don’t outgrow the

  • 92: I QUIT! Defeated. In Despair. I'm Done - #1 of 3 Overwhelmed and Over It Series

    10/05/2019 Duración: 41min

    I QUIT! What do you do when you feel defeated, in despair at the state of the world or your world or just DONE, like you just don’t want to and can’t ‘do’ it anymore? Every woman I know feels this way - and most feel like it’s not okay to admit it. Or they don’t know what to do with these feelings. I get it. I lived this. I can visit this. And so many of the women I work with feel this way. And it’s not our fault, but we are the only ones with the power to change it. We just haven’t been taught how to change it in a way that supports us vs. continues the strain and drain, Which is why I could just feel in the field it was time to do a series on Liberating Us out of Overwhelm - not spiritually bypassing it or pretending self care tips will do the job. But for real liberation. My next book, Overwhelmed and Over It! is about this very thing - it comes out Fall 2020 - And we need to address these things now! So we will in this Feminine Power Time, with me Christine Arylo: “I QUIT! Defeated. In Despair. Done” #1 o

  • 91: Making Changes with Fierce Grace: Feminine Wisdom for Personal Transition & Changing Times

    03/05/2019 Duración: 50min

    What change is calling you? What threshold are you stepping over? What transition does your heart desire and your soul know it is time for, now? And how do you walk into, through this transition in your full power and presence, supported and led not forcing and pushing? Or holding back or reverting to who and how you have been in the past? I've been feeling called to have this conversation with you - about passing through what are called "Thresholds" - a term I learned from John O'Donohue, a beautiful teacher, poet, celtic mystic, writer and human advisor. I'll read his writing on THRESHOLDS at the start of our session to elevate how you think about change and transition in a way that makes it so much more empowering, potent and graceful.  Fierce grace is the HOW we walk through change when we are fully embodied in our feminine power and wisdom. It's how we live our lives.  And today, in this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo, "Making Changes with Fierce Grace: Feminine Wisdom for Changing Times &am

  • 90: PURPOSE: Women on Purpose - #3 of 3 Re-Imagining Feminine Power

    18/04/2019 Duración: 57min

    What is your purpose in life? Ugh! This question makes me crazy. It's SO not helpful or empowering. Which is why this week we are going to blow the purpose models and consciousness we are taught in the current leadership and cultural paradigm out of the box! Using our feminine power and deep wisdom, we know that purpose is something within us -not out there. But how do you reveal it? How do you know if you are living on purpose or what you are giving your life force is in alignment with your purpose?  How does knowing your purpose and understanding how it's so intricately related to who you are as a soul, and human keep you out of burnout, overwhelm and a life half lived, or wasted on things that don't really matter? When you are on purpose, everything in your life aligns, and you feel in the flow, supported even if it's challenging (which is often is). But then again you didn't come here to lead a boring life, did you???   Today I, Christine Arylo, invite you to join me and a dear friend and woman I've had t

  • 89: PRESENCE: Women with a Voice. #2 of 3 Re-Imagining Feminine Power

    11/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    What does embodied power look, sound and feel like in a woman who is expressing as her whole and true self?  What does it look, feel and sound like in you? In your presence? In your voice, spoken or written? In how you are received and perceived by others?  How do you access your truth, your voice and use it to amplify your visibility, influence, and presence in the world… in a way that is true to your expression, your authentic self? The models for what power looks like in a person, what it sounds like, what people respond to, are distorted. So we as women and the women before us have to distort and contort ourselves to get a seat at the table, be taken seriously, have our voices heard, or take on the qualities of men or intellectual machines without heart. That time is over. No more contorting, distorting our presence to fit in. And also no more having to scream to be heard, be serious to be taken seriously, and suppressing our femininity in how we dress, speak and show up. Today I invite you to explore wit

  • 88: WEALTH: Women with Real Wealth with Julie Murphy: Re-Imagining Feminine Power #1 of 3

    04/04/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Let's get real about wealth is... how we are working and living in realities that keep us from cultivating it... and then use our deep feminine wisdom and power to REDEFINE wealth for our world and REVEAL our own path out of the realities that trap us or weigh us down... so you can be free to do the work you are here to do and love doing and create the WHOLE LIFE you desire.  You have heard the saying money is power and money is the root of all evil. If you look around you can see a culture obsessed with making money and having more. And if you are like most people in the world, money has been a source of both success and also suffering and stress. And often usually the latter.  The systems we live in are set up to keep us trapped in these unsustainable realties and repeating patterns. Even for people with lots of $ in their bank accounts, the heart and soul is often bankrupt. Or no matter how hard they work, how much money they make, there’s never enough. How we have been taught to think about money, wealth

  • POWER PAUSE: Equinox. 4 Inquiries to Get You Feeling Your Impact + Focus Your Work for the Months Ahead

    21/03/2019 Duración: 32min

    It's time for a Power Pause! 4 Inquiries to Ask Yourself To Feel Your Impact, Focus Your Work for the Months Ahead & Reset Imbalances in Work or Relationships Vernal March Equinox is one of the four most powerful times of the year to take a 'power pause' and reset your rhythm, patterns and habits so they support you to create the life, work, relationships you desire to create.  It’s also the time to consider HOW to focus your life force, time, and resources in your work, relationships and personal desires. When you pause at this time, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift. And you gain clarity on how to focus your life force so what you spend your time, energy & money creates what you desire. Power pauses are leadership best practice, a wise way to run your business, organization or team, and I believe a must if you want to stay sustained and sane in a world in which we feel so much pressure

  • 87: Super Power of Spring: Using the Energy of Seasonal Shift to Focus Your Work & Fuel Your Life Force

    15/03/2019 Duración: 50min

    I am always over the moon thrilled when Spring Equinox rolls around - the vernal equinox which used to be the start of our calendar year before the calendar was changed by humans. It's the time on the planet where naturally things start to emerge, to sprout, to come up after a winter slumber. But in our mainstream world, we've already been hustling and working hard for months. It's the time when if we were farmers we would plant our crops, choose what we were to grow and then work it equinox to equinox to reap an abundant harvest. Our work, business, project, wealth and relationships are no different. It is also the time when our bodies naturally desire and need different food, they want to lighten up, cleanse and purify. Its the best time for elevating the practices, rituals and habits that create the structure and reality of how your life flows. I never learned this in my traditional schooling or leadership training. I learned it through my wisdom training and my desire to seek a way to have the impact I de

  • SALON: FiERCE GRACE: Access & Unleash Your Feminine Power, Presence & Wisdom

    09/03/2019 Duración: 01h40min

    When we look back at women's history, for over 50 + years since women fully entered the workforce, we have had to assimilate into systems for how we work, educate, govern, relate and operate in almost every realm of our lives... in which women had no say in creating.   The models for leadership, government, healthcare, education, business? All were created at a time when women had little power, no vote, and no voice.   Today, we are in a different position. Today, every woman - including you - has the potential to be a leader – in your organization, community, tribe, family, life – by consciously doing things differently.   Leadership is a CHOICE you make, not a position, degree, or job you get.  Your power comes from your presence. Your presence comes from within.  Your presence is that powerful, if you know how to access it's full spectrum and use it.   On the eve of International Women’s Day, I held this feminine wisdom session you can tune into now. Join me Christine Arylo, women’s leadership teacher and

  • Episode 86: Cultivating Sisterhood with guest Shasta Nelson

    28/02/2019 Duración: 47min

    We need sisterhood more than ever. Not just one friend or one group of women we relate to - but multiple 'circles' of women
 with different levels of intimacy, relationship, and connection that can be there with us and for us as we navigate through the intense and uncertain world we live in.  Cultivating strong circles of sisterhood are our life saving devices during these intense and uncertain times. With strong circles and connection to circles of other women -
that we are part of consistently, that we can reach out to in times of crisis or challenge, that know us, hold us and love us unconditionally- we can weather any storm that comes our way AND we gain the strength, courage and compassion to stretch in all the ways we are being called to grow and change. Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, and Shasta Nelson, friendship expert, for an illuminating and thought provoking conversation and exploration that includes:  How can you strengthen your circle of sisterhood?

  • Ep84: LOVE: One Man's Perspective on Relationship

    14/02/2019 Duración: 53min

        This is wisdom my life partner and the man who has taught me about 90 percent of what I know about relationships stated to me when I was writing my first book, Choosing ME Before WE. Noah is often my first line editor when I write, as he brings a deep, thoughtful perspective.  Over the years, it's only been me and the women in my mentoring and group programs that have benefitted from Noah's enlightening and practical wisdom. Or the few couples who have been up for doing work with us around creating powerful partnerships. He's as trained as me, he even has his master degree in spiritual psychology. But more than that, Noah seems to have been born with a super power to understand the dynamics between people, both in the relationship and the individual. He's been giving counsel on relationships since he was 8!  So I thought, let's have Noah on Feminine Power Time for our series on LOVE and Relationship.  I put a call out for questions through my Facebook pages and through my Feminine Wisdom Way circle. I use

  • SALON: The Impact of Self-Love on Our Relationships

    14/02/2019 Duración: 01h34min

    In this special Feminine Super Power Salon, join Christine Arylo, MBA, founder of The Path of Self Love School, best-selling author of Choosing ME before WE, for a special session, where you will learn:   The most common self-love weaknesses that lead to bad relationship choices Why it's so hard to break repeating unhealthy relationship patterns - and how to get to the roots vs. treat the symptom   The common signs of a lack of self-love that cause smart and successful or sensitive and kind people to make terrible relationship choices   Reveal how your current relationships - romantic, friendships, family, colleagues - are affecting your career, wealth, health and dreams   How to teach people to set the right expectations and levels of vulnerability - so they don’t set themselves up to be disappointed, deceived or drained   How to teach people to go beyond the stories in their heads and the wounds in their hearts to get to the root of their own healing using self-love practices and creative ‘heart art’   We

  • 83: LOVE - How Smart Women Sabotage & Sacrifice Themselves in Relationship

    09/02/2019 Duración: 50min

    Why do so many of us smart women sabotage ourselves when it comes to relationships? And as a result sacrifice what we need, or sacrifice or dreams and desires. Or settle for less in our partnerships and friendships? Or put up with non-respectful and relationships with our relatives or at work? How can we be good at our jobs and rock our careers, yet struggle in the realm of love and the heart? And how do we find the wisdom to create the strong, beautiful, supportive partnerships, friendships, family, community that we not only desire but that we actually NEED to have the impact we desire and be supported and cared for and sustained.  Over my life and my work with amazing, strong, good hearted women, I noticed that we have been sold a bill of goods about love and relationship that is just plain WRONG. What we are taught to expect, how we see ourselves and others, how we show up in them, what healthy relationships look like is in so many ways warped and distorted, not powerful and wise. The cost of this is huge

  • 82: What's This Year Really About for You? Set the Focus, Field and Feeling Wisely

    01/02/2019 Duración: 53min

    One of my favorite and most powerful feminine wisdom practices is asking powerful inquiries at the start to the year that give me clarity about how to focus in the year to come.  Inquiries are powerful portals to get beyond the limitations of your mind which can only create what it’s known before. With the right inquiry you can open up your imagination and your connection to the Universal mind - which is so much more tuned in… and can show you ways of doing things that are different than you experienced before, In the mainstream world, we are taught to value and trust the intellect over the intuition. We are taught to seek answers and to find facts. But this can only create more of the same we’ve known - in our own lives and in the world. All great wisdom teachers have known the power of inquiry. Which is why over the past month I’ve been sharing with you a series of inquiries through the EMERGE 2019 series… to help you get focused and clear on how to best focus for the year to come. If you missed those episo

  • 81: Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead 2019: Insight for Meeting the Intensity

    21/01/2019 Duración: 51min

    Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the first full moon of the year, a wolf moon, super moon, blood moon, eclipse just as the sun was setting on the Puget Sound across from my studio window. I’ve been thinking of you all for weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode. After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - 2019, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up. Feminine wisdom teaches us to

  • 80: What Really Matters to You This Year?  Get Attuned with What Your Heart & Soul Have to Tell You About 2019 

    10/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    There are SO many things you could do and give your life force and resources, which is why it is not only wise but essential to take a pause and get clear about what really matters to you, and you get real about what the Universe is guiding you to this year. You have heard the saying “follow your heart”? That is not just some nice refrigerator magnet. That is a life directive. You’ve heard the saying, “Trust the Universe Has your Back” well if you are not communicating with the Universe, you can’t make choices in your work, relationships, health or wealth or home that are congruent with what the Universe is guiding you too. We aren’t taught HOW to communicate with our heart and soul in school or on the job, but it’s the only way to create lives in alignment with our truth, and in my experience the only way to run a business, lead a career, make an impact, raise a family and stay sustained and nourished within. This is the realm of Feminine Leadership and Wisdom, which is why I created this EMERGE 2019 Series

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