Paul Tripp: Radio Podcast



Dr. Paul David Tripp connects the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life through his radio program, Right Here, Right Now. For more resources, visit


  • [TALK] 5. Satan Speaks

    29/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    It was a world-altering, dramatic moment. Adam and Eve were walking in the Garden of Eden, living in perfect harmony with the Great Speaker. But then the Great Deceiver entered the Garden - Satan spoke. In this episode of Right Here, Right How, Paul David Tripp teaches how our world of talk is no longer peaceful.

  • [TALK] 4. People Speak

    22/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    Think about how you live. There's no ability you depend on more than your ability to give and receive communication - to talk. There's probably no more magic moment as a parent than when a child first says words. And there's probably no sadder moment when a dying loved one falls wordless. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches the importance of our talk, and the battle between talks kingdoms of words.

  • [TALK] 3. God Speaks

    15/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    Have you ever heard someone say "talk is cheap?" The fact of the matter is that your talk is anything but cheap. Words are powerfully important. But you won't understand the significance of words until you understand, at a heart level, that the very first words spoken on earth were from God. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches how our words have deep value.

  • [TALK] 2. God's Plan for Your Talk

    08/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    Talking is probably the most familiar activity for us all. We never stop talking. And in our world of talk, God doesn't want us to grow placement. He has set a high standard for communication. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp reveals four foundational principles that will shape the rest of this series on talk. These principles will confront us with the selfishness of our talk and help us get to where God wants us to be.

  • [TALK] 1. What About Your Talk?

    01/06/2013 Duración: 25min

    No matter who you are, what you do, or where you live, you talk. Talking is the essence of humanity. But there is a war that rages in our talk, and we're in grave danger of being blind to it. In this new series on communication, Paul David Tripp makes us stop to consider what is going on in our world of talk.

  • [IMAGINE] 5. How to Dream

    18/05/2013 Duración: 25min

    If you had a red magic button, where you could change one thing in your life forever, what would you change? Or perhaps a better question is this - when God doesn't give you that one thing you want, how do you respond? In this final episode in the Imagination series, Paul David Tripp gives practical direction on how to dream.

  • [IMAGINE] 4. Broken Dreams

    11/05/2013 Duración: 25min

    Your dreams will never give you true identity. They cannot provide lasting security, inner peace, or courage in times of difficulty. Those things can only be found in the Lord. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp teaches how our dreams will either die or disappointment, and if we put our hope in them, we're setting ourselves up for disaster.

  • [IMAGINE] 3. Kidnapped By Your Imagination

    04/05/2013 Duración: 25min

    Paul had a dream - he wanted to start a school in a broken community. Paul's dream was a great dream. It was going to lift the community and bring hope to a dark place. But something happened. The dream began to own Paul. Without even knowing it, Paul had been kidnapped by his imagination. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp tells his own story about a good dream gone bad.

  • [IMAGINE] 2. Who Controls Your Imagination?

    27/04/2013 Duración: 25min

    The ability to imagine is a wonderful thing. God has hardwired us with the capacity to dream. But because of sin, every good thing God has created can be used in a wrong way. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp warns about dangers of being controlled by our dreams, and points us to the One who can set the captives free.

  • [IMAGINE] 1. What Is Imagination?

    20/04/2013 Duración: 25min

    How would you define Imagination? Maybe Harry Potter or Star Trek or playing "dress-up"' would fit in your category titled Imagination. Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, God has designed us with the ability to imagine. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp defines Imagination and explains why it's so important in our daily relationship with God.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 18. Worship Constantly

    06/04/2013 Duración: 25min

    How would you define worship? Maybe a weekend service comes to mind, with preaching and singing. Maybe you count your mid-week small group as a worship experience. But here's what you need to know about worship: it's always first your IDENTITY before it's ever your ACTIVITY. In this final episode of Survival Skills, Paul David Tripp explains how everything we do is, somehow, some way, an expression of worship.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 17. Minister Everywhere

    30/03/2013 Duración: 25min

    God is in the process of lovingly fixing everything that sin has broken. You can define it in one word - redemption. As God's children, we're not only called to be recipients of redemption, but participants as well. In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains that if we belong to the Lord, our life becomes ministry, and ministry becomes our life.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 16. Celebrate Grace

    23/03/2013 Duración: 25min

    The average person speaks about 7,000 words a day. That's a lot of talking. And there are nearly one million words in the English language. That's quite the variety. So...out of all the words we say, and out of all the words we could choose, what's the most beautiful word available to us?

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 15. Be Good and Angry

    16/03/2013 Duración: 25min

    God is angry. But it's not the anger of a vengeful, evil person who's out of control and wants to harm. God is angry because, as Lord, King, Creator, and Ruler of the universe, He will not forsake His holy cause. But as Paul David Tripp explains in this episode of Right Here, Right Now, God's people are often angry for all the wrong reasons.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 14. Learn How To Wait

    09/03/2013 Duración: 25min

    When was the last time you really enjoyed waiting? When was the last time you planned waiting into your schedule? Did you thank the Lord for your wait the last time you were stuck in traffic? In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains why we hate to wait. But he also teaches how waiting is, by biblical description, part of God's glorious plan.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 13. Fall In Love All Over Again

    02/03/2013 Duración: 25min

    If you had to write a one-paragraph description of what Christianity is, what would you write? Would you write about having your sins forgiven? Being committed to worship and ministry? Understanding theology and doctrine? These are all important, but in this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp reveals the essential core of Christianity that we often leave out.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 12. Exercise Influence

    23/02/2013 Duración: 25min

    Why does God choose to keep his children living in this fallen world? Wouldn't it be easier if we were "zappped" into Heaven immediately after our salvation? But God has you exactly where he wants you, and he has given you the ability to exercise influence in the situations, locations, and relationships where you live. What are you using your influence for?

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 11. Pursue Community

    16/02/2013 Duración: 25min

    How many people really know you? Don't answer too quickly. Is there anyone who really knows where you struggle everyday? Are there people who know what circumstances tend to overwhelm you? In this episode of Right Here, Right Now, Paul David Tripp explains why the body of Christ is designed to pursue intentionally-intrusive community.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 10. Eavesdrop on Eternity

    09/02/2013 Duración: 25min

    Are you tired of things being the same? Is your daily routine an endless, repetitive hassle? Maybe you even feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day! In this episode, Paul David Tripp explains that we will only be able to make sense of right here, right now when we eavesdrop on eternity.

  • [SURVIVAL SKILLS] 9. Resist Spirituality

    02/02/2013 Duración: 25min

    Are you a spiritual schizophrenic? Do you live in two entirely different worlds, where spirituality and reality don't ever touch? That's not the Gospel. Jesus came, not to invite you out of reality into this thing called spirituality. He came to radically transform every single piece of your reality by His grace.

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