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O GMIC é um dos eventos mais influentes para mobile e internet no mundo, com edições em Beijing, Tel Aviv, Jakarta, Bangalore, São Francisco, Tokio, Taipei e Seoul, o GMIC é onde os influenciadores de internet móvel se reúnem para aprenderem sobre as mais recentes inovações e se conectarem com os líderes da indústria local.
Chinese mobile internet market insight
Ai in vr
Microservices vs machine learning_reconciling transactional and analytical architectures
What to expect from the future of mobile and apps
What app to build in 2017_native hibrido or progressive web app
Mobile ad fraud from hazardous to dangerous
Keynote creating mobile memories_do they own you or do you own them
Going global how conquer the world
Gone but not forgotten
Data drivem mobile experience how user understeanding can help on you marketing and media strategy
Enganging mobile app USER how TO drive gowth though innovation
Fintech musings
Disruptive fintech trends initial coin offers ico AND decentralized autonomous organizations dao
Fintechs oportunidades e desafios
Robo advisor AND a i the future of tech IN financial industry
Painel ecossistema de fintech
How To combine art AND rational FOR an effective startup management
Invent NEW industries SET NEW standards what are the NEW segments vc s are looking FOR
Pitch top 10 startups 1
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