Sherlock Holmes: Trifles



A weekly podcast about details in the Sherlock Holmes stories.


  • 31 - Frederic Dorr Steele's Gift

    01/08/2017 Duración: 17min

    "worthy of our steel" [HOUN]    Sidney Paget was the illustrator who first brought widespread visual recognition of Sherlock Holmes to the public. His American counterpart Frederic Dorr Steele got a later start, but made a lasting impact as well.   We discuss Steele's inspiration and the ultimate gift that he left us: an indelible impression of Sherlock Holmes through various publications for the better part of his career.   Please leave us a rating and review on the podcast player of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Frederic Dorr Steele (Wikipedia) The Players     Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra  Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band  Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 30 - A Lengthy Treaty

    26/07/2017 Duración: 15min

    "The chain of events is certainly one of extraordinary interest." [NAVA]  Nepotism, bullying, carelessness and a locked room mystery — "The Naval Treaty" has it all. A young government employee is given a top secret assignment that keeps him at his desk late at night, but the document he was working on goes missing. And it's up to Sherlock Holmes to find the culprit.   Clocking in at 12,701 words, this story is the longest of the 56 short stories in the Sherlock Holmes canon. But should it really have taken Holmes that long to figure out the mystery? We discuss some of the finer points of the story, including glaring plot point that you may have missed before.   Please leave us a rating and review on the podcast player of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Please nominate us for a People's Choice Award or in the Arts category in the 2017 Podcast Awards "The Naval Treaty" "Bob's your uncle"   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chambe

  • 29 - Who Wrote The Mazarin Stone

    19/07/2017 Duración: 16min

    "there can be no question as to the authorship" [SIGN]    "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone" took place in July 1903 and it shares a distinction with one other Sherlock Holmes story: like "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane," this is the only other story that is told by a third person. We review some theories, summed up by Leslie Klinger, BSI ("The Abbey Grange") in his Daypark Press publication of a Baker Street Irregulars dinner memento in 2001. From Christopher Morley to O.F. Grazebrook, Gavin Brend, Martin Dakin and more, there are clever and preposterous suggestions as to whose pen was behind this story. Not to mention the question of the layout of 221B Baker Street, the mysterious bay window, the condition of the wax bust, and more. See which theory you side with in this episode of Trifles...   Links Please nominate us for a People's Choice Award or in the Arts category in the 2017 Podcast Awards "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone" Tim Greer on I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 115: Sherlock Holme

  • 28 - Harpoons: A Pointed Subject

    12/07/2017 Duración: 17min

    "among the harpooners my research was nearing its end" [BLAC]  We have one of the most iconic openings in the Sherlock Holmes stories in "The Adventure of Black Peter" - the year '95, Holmes in disguise, returning from the butcher's with his weapon of choice: a harpoon.   Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pulled on his own knowledge of whaling vessels and voyages (as referenced in an earlier IHOSE episode), but how likely was the occurrence which we learned of in this story? The era of hand-held harpooning was over by that time. How does one go about practice-harpooning a pig in polite London society? And what of the physics of the demonstration?   These questions and more await in this episode of Trifles... Please leave us a rating and review on the podcast player of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Please nominate us for a People's Choice Award or in the Arts category in the 2017 Podcast Awards "The Adventure of Black Peter" I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode

  • 27 - Rebellion!

    05/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    "there really was a plot" [GLOR]  Independence Day is celebrated in the United States on July 4. It marks the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a document that preceeded the American Revolution. This, as well as numerous other acts of rebellion in the years leading up to the war, represented a principled stand against British authority.   And we have rebellion against British authority aptly represented in "The Gloria Scott," which William Baring-Gould placed in July of 1874. Trevor Sr. was sentenced to transportation for "breaking my country's laws" while he was a banker - namely, embezzlement. And perhaps the rebellious streak continued with Trevor, Jr. as he brought his dog on campus, to which we offer a toast penned by John Baesch, BSI, ASH.   Please leave us a rating and review on the podcast player of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.     Links Please nominate us for a People's Choice Award or in the Arts category in the 2017 Po

  • 26 - The Plot Device of The Three Garridebs

    28/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    "Saw through my game, I suppose" [3GAR]    Once again, we have a con man at work, eager to enrich himself. He finds his mark, manages to get him away from the scene where his work needs to happen, and is eventually caught red-handed by Sherlock Holmes. Does this plot device sound familar? It should. Or at least it did, once we got the names of the minor characters straight...   This tale has been recognized as sharing the plot of "The Red-Headed League" and "The Stock-Broker's Clerk". If indeed the plot is strong enough to be employed three times, which story makes the best use of it, and why?     Please leave us a rating and review on the podcast player of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.     Links "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs" "The Adventure of the Red Headed League" "The Stock-broker's Clerk" I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 91: The Confidence Game    Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra  Publish

  • 25 - An Unbelievable Case of Identity

    21/06/2017 Duración: 15min

    "she will not believe me" [IDEN]    In the early stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson was admittedly new to the bio-docu-drama genre that he was creating. And while we've gotten comfortable with putting "The Adventure of..." in front of nearly every short story about Sherlock Holmes, a handful of these early stories were not titled that way. "A Scandal in Bohemia" and "A Case of Identity" were the first and third stories to be published in The Strand and did not carry that title.    But aside from that difference, "A Case of Identity" stands out. Not because it was devoid of a crime, but because its premise seemed inherently unbelievable. A young lady not recognizing her own stepfather? How is it that Watson (and Arthur Conan Doyle) managed to pull this off?    Links "A Case of Identity"   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0    

  • 24 - Heads of Household

    14/06/2017 Duración: 15min

    "He had described his household" [WIST]    We're acutely aware of some of the fathers in the Sherlock Holmes stories, and the dastardly deeds associated with them. Individuals such as Jephro Rucastle and Grimesby Roylott spring to mind.   But what about figures who occupied a position as head of the household who weren't necessarily fathers themselves? With Fathers Day coming up this weekend, we thought this was an excellent time to take a moment and reflect on who these individuals are and what their role in the Canon was.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 43: Fathers in the Canon   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 23 - Married Life with Dr. Watson

    07/06/2017 Duración: 14min

    "not long after my marriage" [ENGR]  In this episode, we look at how married life was treating Dr. Watson in "The Adventure of the Boscombe Valley Mystery." William S. Baring-Gould placed this at June 6 or June 8, 1889. It was published as the fourth short story in the collection known as The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. In the opening scene, Holmes sends for the recently married Watson to accompany him on a case, and Mary Watson, far from nagging her husband about his penchant for dashing off with his friend, actually urges Watson to go. Watson gives her a charming compliment in return by alluding to their romantic meeting in The Sign of Four. The affectionate circle is completed when Holmes gives Watson very gracious thanks for agreeing to come along on the trip.    What are we to make of Watson's home life? Is he simply using a literary technique by making his marriage seem able to weather the storm of Holmes? Or was Mary genuinely understanding of the push-pull relationship between the doctor and the d

  • 22 - Pubs and Taverns, Part 2

    31/05/2017 Duración: 14min

    "back to the same establishment" [GOLD]  The last time we met, we were in the middle of a pub quiz. How were you doing? We're going to pick up where we left off, talking about various public houses, bars, taverns and inns that were mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes stories. Each played an important role in the story in which it was set. And as a bonus, we'll get you inside some of the real-life establishments* that you might stroll past the next time you're in London. *We're pleased to report that the Criterion is open, but under the name Savini at Criterion.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Episode 21 - Pubs and Taverns, Part 1 The Criterion - now Savini at Criterion The Criterion as seen in The Dark Knight The Sherlock Holmes Pub   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons

  • 21 - Pubs and Taverns, Part 1

    24/05/2017 Duración: 13min

    "gone to the nearest public house" [SOLI]  We owe the entire Canon to Watson's drinking habits. Because he found himself at the Criterion Bar, he eventually found his way to Holmes. And just as importantly, public houses, taverns and bars play a role throughout the Sherlock Holmes stories. These locations are where they gathered intelligence, and met clients, or simply refreshed themselves. In the spirit of British pubs, we'll treat you to a bit of a pub quiz. Let's see how you do.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Academic Festival Overture by Johannes Brahms Gaudeamus igitur Bright College Days by Tom Lehrer Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 20 - The Duke and the Doctor

    17/05/2017 Duración: 22min

    "His Grace is surprised, Dr. Huxtable" [PRIO] The opening of "The Adventure of the Priory School" is one of the best in the entirety of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Dr. Huxtable lands on the bearskin rug and from Watson's brandy administration to Holmes helping himself to the contents of Huxtable's pockets, it's vintage Sherlock Holmes. What do we know of Dr. Huxtable, and more importantly, what did he know about the Duke of Holdernesse? His days-long delay in seeking help meant that the trail was slightly cold for Holmes — a strange priority, even if His Grace was concerned about publicity. Just when did Dr. Huxtable first get to know the Duke and what did his station require? From tennis to tails, and Monty Python to Morgan Freeman reading the Canon, we've got it all. Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal. Links "The Adventure of the Priory School" The Adventures of Letterman Cathcart Towers

  • 19 - Mothers in the Canon

    10/05/2017 Duración: 14min

    "by the honour of your mother" [SIGN]  There's no question that fathers play a significant role in many of the Sherlock Holmes stories. But what about mothers? As Mothers Day will be celebrated on May 14 in the United States, we thought it was an appropriate time to look at mothers and motherly figures in the Canon. From independent women to those who tragically lost their mothers, we see a common thread of strength. Where did Conan Doyle draw his examples from? And what did Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson make of such women? Its all here in Trifles.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 18 - Horse Sense in Silver Blaze

    03/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    "have a look at the horse" [SILV]  One of the best regarded stories in the Sherlock Holmes canon is "Silver Blaze." The story has so many elements to it that lend themselves to the lore of Sherlock Holmes: the Baker Street opening, the image of Holmes and Watson in the railway carriage, a number of famous quotes. We'll be revisiting this story again in Trifles. But for this time, our focus is on the horse. With the Kentucky Derby approaching on May 6, it's an apt time to consider the heritage of Silver Blaze and the associated activities that were happening during that time. Noted sports columnist Red Smith had some thoughts about Holmes's actions and the racetrack bookie, and S. Tupper Bigelow took an opposite tack. Who was right? You'll have to tune in to hear.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.

  • 17 - Glimpses of Holmes in The Copper Beeches

    26/04/2017 Duración: 17min

    "I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain" [3GAR] In "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches," we're treated to a range of emotions and reactions from Sherlock Holmes. The opening scene is one of those Canonical gems: Outside, there is a thick fog, while inside, we see a cheery fire, the gleaming breakfast table, and an eloquently irritable Holmes with his cherry-wood pipe, expounding upon art and detection just long enough to bring us up to the arrival of his attractive and interesting young client.   We have a plethora of information about Holmes's personality in not only this opening, but the story itself: his annoyance with Watson and the general public, his charming way with female clients, his thinking, and the age-old question of whether he was attracted to Violet Hunter. Hop on board with us as we explore the glimpses we have of Sherlock Holmes in "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches," the story that originally appeared in the Strand Magazine in June 1892 and was the final story i

  • 16 - The Surprise of a First Reading of the Final Problem

    19/04/2017 Duración: 18min

    "it is with a heavy heart" [FINA]  "The Final Problem" is a shocking tale, both for contemporaries of the Strand Magazine as well as for first-time readers of The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Christopher Morley wrote: "Devoted readers have rarely had such a shock as the opening words of this story when it first appeared in the Strand Magazine." And so too did we. Some reflections on the drastic turn of events and of the reactions to readers around the world.   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.     Links "The Final Problem" Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: A Textbook of Friendship   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

  • 15 - Sherlock Holmes and Easter

    12/04/2017 Duración: 19min

    "tell me how you came alive" [EMPT]  While there is no explicit mention of Easter in the Sherlock Holmes story, we do have a story arc that follows the Easter mystery. While Holmes himself may not have been terribly religious (although he did express some acknowledgement of a higher power from time to time), he respected the tradition and the necessary belief in resurrection.    

  • 14 - The Speckled Band and its Snakish Temper

    05/04/2017 Duración: 22min

    "roused its snakish temper" [SPEC]    "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" is consistently ranked as one of the most popular Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And in it, there are so many gems, so many possibilities to explore. We manage to delve into a few of them, including Dr. Roylott's clever yet poorly executed plan, the seemingly disparate time it took for victims to die, a passing glance at scores of untold cases accumulated during those early years, and more. Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, or the listening platform of your choice, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" Nerve and Knowledge: Doctors, Medicine and the Canon   Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 13 - Quarter Day Is at Hand

    29/03/2017 Duración: 15min

    "quarter day is at hand" [WIST]    There are at least two instances in the Sherlock Holmes stories when we come across a mention of quarter day. Just what is quarter day, and what is the significance with regard to these two stories?  We delve into the history of quarter days, cross-quarter days and why the real estate market had such an impact on calendars and ultimately played into the plots of "Wisteria Lodge" and "The Resident Patient."   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links Quarter days (Wikipedia) The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge The Resident Patient Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  

  • 12 - Irene Adler: A Legend Is Born

    22/03/2017 Duración: 16min

    "To Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman" [SCAN] It is the first story in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and it is also the first of what we might call the stories of legend: those Canonical tales that have inspired our imaginations far beyond the events that Watson wrote down. We already have Holmes and Watson, legends enough for anyone, but just as "The Greek Interpreter" reveals brother Mycroft Holmes, and "The Final Problem" outlines the evil figure of Moriarty, "A Scandal in Bohemia" introduces a character so compelling that she pervades our image of Sherlock Holmes forever after. Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable memory — to us, she is always "the woman!"   Please leave us a rating and review on iTunes or Google Play, and consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.   Links "A Scandal in Bohemia" Episode 10 Warren Buffet's annual letter to shareholders Music credits Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United Stat

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