Jubilee Church Hull



Listen here for the most recent sermons from Jubilee Church Hull


  • Meals with Jesus - Part 3


    Exploring what church looks like in this next season. For more information visit www.notdull.org/gathering

  • Meals with Jesus - Part 2


    Exploring what church looks like in this next season. For more information visit www.notdull.org/gathering

  • Meals with Jesus - Part 1


    Exploring what church looks like in this next season. For more information visit www.notdull.org/gathering

  • Celebration Sunday


    Josh Davies shares from Joshua 13:1-7 on how as people of faith we walk into God's promises.

  • This Is Us - We Are A Gathered Family


    The church was always meant to be a gathered people. This has changed during COVID-19 but being together is a key element to being in this family. As we gather, God is with us and we demonstrate His kingdom to those around us (Hebrews 10:19-25).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Generous Famiy


    In a culture gripped by greed, we choose to be people who live generously understanding that all we have is a gift from God for us to steward. That means we use our time, energy and resources to serve God, His church and our city (2 Corinthians 8 and 9).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Hope-Filled Family


    In a culture which lives for the moment, we have our eyes fixed on eternity. We understand that we are living in the kingdom of God but we also await the return of Jesus and the new heavens and the new earth. We have expectancy that God will break in but we also understand we still live with the consequences of sin (Revelation 21).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Restful Family


    We live in a world experiencing burn out. The constant need for more has led to striving and exhaustion. Jesus instead offers us rest for our souls. This is not a promise of an easy life but one where we find Jesus and the life he intends for us. We are invited to live a different way to the world around us (Matthew 11:25-30, Hebrews 4:1-11).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Holy Family


    In a culture of compromise, we called to live with deep convictions knowing that life is found in following Jesus. This is contrary to the world around us that values autonomy and freedom. We are a holy people, set apart to demonstrate Jesus to the world. As we do that, we find a life not full of rules, guilt and shame but of joy (1 Peter 2: 9-12, Ephesians 2: 11-22).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Committed Family


    Being added to God’s people means being part of the new covenant. This covenant calls for commitment and sacrifice. In a culture that is self-seeking, we give ourselves to one another, to community and to together becoming more like Jesus (Hebrews 8).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Second Chance Family


    We are saved by grace, sustained by grace and will be glorified because of grace. This truth causes us to be people who are quick to demonstrate this grace to those around us, believing no matter what has happened in the past, God has a plan for each of us (Romans 5, Ephesians 2:1-10).

  • This Is Us - We Are A Peace Filled Family


    As we have lived through the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has been gripped by fear and uncertainty. As followers of Jesus, we are invited to live lives full of peace. That as we abide deeply in Jesus, we would know true peace (Philippians 4:4-9, Matthew 6:25-34).

  • This Is Us - We Are A United Family


    In a culture that thrives on division, we have been united by Christ. We all have something to bring to this family and our diversity is something to be celebrated and not feared (Ephesians 2:11-22, Romans 12:3-8, Galatians 3:28-29).

  • This Is Us - We Are Family


    As believers, we have been welcomed home into a new family. In a culture of individualism, we chose to submit to one another and find a place where we belong. As we understand our place in this family, we are then able to invite others to join us (Ephesians 2:19, Mark 3:31-35)

  • This Is Us - Introduction


    As we have lived through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen our expression of church completely change. As we begin to meet again, we are given the opportunity to reimagine what church looks like and how we can impact the culture around us. In this season, we will be exploring what it means for us to a family and how the gospel impacts us and those around us.

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