The Vedic World View



Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences Thom Knoles for conversations with leaders, teachers, authors and professors designed to inspire and provoke deeper insight. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as the Veda. For over 40 years, he has personally taught meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations.


  • A Vedic Perspective on Postpartum Depression

    24/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    Carrying a child, giving birth and raising a baby places a huge burden on mothers, physically and emotionally. Each mother’s experience is unique and there is no reliable user guide showing how to navigate this transformational stage of life.And while everyone concerned hopes for the mother to have a joyful experience, for many that’s not the case. Though it’s only received medical recognition in recent decades, postpartum depression, (aka postnatal depression) has been a part of the motherhood journey for millenia.In this episode Thom explores the Vedic perspective on postpartum depression, highlighting the fact that it’s much more common than we might think, and inviting us to take a compassionate position, even to the point of reframing our relationships with our own mothers.Episode Highlights[00:47] The Magnificent Gift of Motherhood[03:04] The Needy Sound of a Baby[05:36] A Peaceful Pregnancy: The Ayurveda Way[08:03] Ayurvedic Herbs for New Mothers[10:08] Walking in Mom's Shoes[11:58] Vedic Meditation fo

  • The Mechanics of Stress and Stress Release

    17/09/2023 Duración: 53min

    All of us are familiar with the feeling of being stressed, or the results of accumulating stress in the body, but, how many of us actually know the mechanics of this process?We know we can feel frustrated, annoyed, angry, fearful, sad, anxious, and so on, but where do these feelings come from, and why do we all react differently to them?Thom takes a deep dive into the subject today, looking at the mechanics of stress, how we feel it, where it goes, what happens when we have too much of it, and, most importantly, what we can do to remove it.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The Nature of Stress[02:39] Adaptation Energy[05:33] Depeleting the Adaptation Energy Account[07:34] Stress Response: Fight or Flight[10:08] Effects of Stress on Skin[11:48] Hydration and Stress[13:20] Digestive System and Stress Effects[14:43] Tunnel Vision[16:23] Dramatic Reactions[17:30] The Memory of Stress Reactions[19:55] Universality of Stress Reactivity[21:39] Accumulation of Stress Memories[23:24] Stored Stress and Faded Memories[24:51] T

  • Inspiration, Apathy vs Non-Attachment, An End to Humanity?

    10/09/2023 Duración: 29min

    It’s Q&A time once again. In this episode Thom helps out a listener who doesn’t know why it might be important for her spouse to learn Vedic Meditation. Thom includes the possibility that it might in fact not be important for him to learnHe discusses the distinction between apathy and non-attachment, and the very simple yet distinct indicator that tells us which we might be experiencing. And he considers a hypothetical scenario where all of humanity becomes enlightened. More specifically, he discusses where the supply of souls seeking enlightenment comes from. Needless to say, we won’t be running out of souls any time soon…Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - Is it Important for My Spouse to Learn Vedic Meditation?[01:48] A - The Importance of Personal Inspiration[03:31] Even Rocks Melt[00:05:38] A Little Bit Silly[06:53] Leveraging Role Models - Arthur Ashe's Example[09:29] Winning Over a Resistant Husband[11:20] Q - What Is the Difference Between Apathy and Non-Attachment?[11:35] A - Apathy as a General Condi

  • The Role of Beliefs in Dharma

    03/09/2023 Duración: 14min

    Our beliefs play a fundamental role in how we engage in life. What we learn in our early years becomes our guide as to the actions that we choose to take or not take in our lives.For the most part these beliefs serve us well. They help us to live in harmony with our surroundings and our community, but are there points where we must set aside our beliefs for the higher good?Most of us find ourselves from time to time, much like Arjuna on the battlefield with Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, in situations where our “duty” is at odds with our beliefs.In this episode, Thom lays out a plan of action not too dissimilar from Krishna’s response to Arjuna, a plan that we can all put into practice easily on the battlefield of life.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Virtuous Behavior[03:30] Dynamic Nature of Ethical Principles[04:49] Awakening Consciousness Through Meditation[07:01] Living Dharma: Aligning with Intentionality[09:31] Reinterpreting Dharma: Beyond Roles and Professions[11:14] Journey of Self-Discovery: From Virtues

  • Does Charm Always Feel Easy?

    27/08/2023 Duración: 15min

    Synchronicity has become a buzzword in the past 20 years. The notion that things can go your way and everything becomes seemingly effortless is considered a sign of evolutionary progress. Some might even say it’s a form of spiritual favoritism.But is evolution necessarily easy? In particular, does charm always lead us down an easy path?Thom gives us a short discourse on the matter, inviting us to enjoy the ride that we sometimes find ourselves on when Vedic Meditators follow charm.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The Path of Least Resistance[04:25] Unsustainable Formulae[06:05] A Higher Level of Function[08:15] Embracing the Sensations of Change[11:13] The Sensations of Evolution[12:37] The Art of Following CharmUseful

  • Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Integrity

    20/08/2023 Duración: 34min

    The ease with which we can travel has blurred many cultural boundaries over the past couple of hundred years, and especially so in the past 50 years.On any given day you could start your day with a Vedic Meditation practice originating in India (of course), followed by Capoeira from Brazil in the park, have a croissant for breakfast, attend Spanish language lessons in the morning, enjoy Yum Cha from Hong Kong for lunch, spend the afternoon at a local indigenous cultural experience, meditate again before a Middle Eastern dinner, then watch an opera sung in Italian for the evening.It’s not a typical day by any means. but these are the options available to many of us. They build our understanding and appreciation of each other and add color to our world, but at what point does appreciation become appropriation? How can we maintain cultural integrity without overstepping the mark? Thom explores this subject through the lens of Vedic wisdom and its application to modern life.Episode Highlights:[00:45] None of Us i

  • The Function of Dreaming Consciousness

    13/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    Why do we have dreams and what do they mean?Some schools of thought attempt to attribute specific meanings and interpretations of dreams, but the Vedic stance is somewhat different. The Vedic worldview recognizes seven different states of consciousness, including dreaming, but as Thom explains in this episode, not all dreams are dreams, and none of them require interpretation…Episode Highlights:[00:45] What Does My Dream Mean?[02:18] One More Possibility Gone[03:57] The Illusion of Dream Duration[05:53] Dreams and Rapid Eye Movement (REM)[07:23] Dreaming in the Waking State[08:52] Dreams as Expressions of Stress Release[10:39] Sigmund Freud's Dream Theory[12:20] Brain's Storytelling Mechanism in Dreams[13:52] A Story Unfolds[15:15] Let It Go[17:03] Release of Stress[18:41] Exploring Turiya: Beyond the Three Relative States[20:40] Lucid Dreaming to Transcendent Experiences[22:53] Nature Does Not Speak in CodeUseful

  • The Role of Devotion in Our Evolution

    06/08/2023 Duración: 29min

    Devotion is often heralded as a path to enlightenment, but what does that mean? To whom or to what should we be devoted to?Thom presents the Vedic position on devotion in this episode, teaching us that devotion is an effect rather than a cause, an outcome rather than an action.It’s a compelling case that gives us full control over our ability to experience devotion and the rich rewards that come with it.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The First Element of Devotion[02:50] The Significance of Personalized Mantras[05:01] The Proposition of Learning[06:39] Another Extraordinary Thing[08:02] Commitment to Regular Practice of Vedic Meditation[09:20] How Did You Live Without It?[10:45] Devotion & Dedication[12:55] Deva-Ocean[14:47] A Supreme Form of Love[16:58] Falling in Love with Our Self[18:54] Unity Points and Recognition of Self[20:23] Transition from Love to Devotion[22:47] Mood-Making is Not Recommended[24:12] Dedicated Practice and the Emergence of Devotion[26:16] Devotion as a Natural State of ConsciousnessU

  • The Function and Relevance of Kirtan

    30/07/2023 Duración: 46min

    Kirtan has become popular outside of India in recent decades. The heightened feelings that can arise from devotional chanting have made it a compelling activity for many wanting to experience Vedic wisdom at the level of feeling.But there’s a lot more to kirtan than meets the ear. In this fascinating episode, Thom discusses the origins and the function of kirtan, and explains how it can be experienced optimally and with deep reverence.Episode Highlights:[00:00] Bhajan - A Devotional Hymn of Praise[01:30] A Taste of Home Away from Home[02:58] Hare Krishna[05:22] Attuned With the Qualities of Divine Beings[07:00] Mahakumbha Mela[08:54] Sangham Triveni[10:47] Millions of Moonlit People[12:12] Kirtan En Masse[13:31] Kirtan Around the Corner[15:08] Anukirtana[16:36] Rounding on Retreat[18:33] Agnimile Purohitam[20:24] An Effect on Consciousness[22:42] The Witness Benefits Most Greatly[24:07] Anukirtanam and Vedic Meditation[25:30] Puja in Person[27:14] Maintaining the Purity of the Teaching[28:06] The Forgotten Ar

  • India - The Cradle of Civilization

    23/07/2023 Duración: 20min

    Few countries match India for its vast variety of people, cultures, languages, and of course, styles of cuisine.While most of us appreciate different aspects of this vast and colorful nation, few of us have a worthy appreciation of the role India has played in shaping civilizations outside of India. Many languages have an ancestral relationship with Sanskrit, the original spoken language of India. Vedic astrologers were centuries ahead of their European counterparts when it came to understanding the movement of celestial objects. India played a pivotal role in shaping the way we use numbers, being among the first (if not the first) to introduce zero as a number. And many modern myths and legends can be traced back to Vedic literature.While it would take multiple series of documentaries to celebrate the ancient Indian influence on modern life, in this episode Thom celebrates the most crucial contribution India has made, and preserved, over the centuries. It’s an influence that continues to play a crucial role

  • My Maharishi - A Second Father to Me

    16/07/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    While most of us have mentors or figures that have a significant impact on our lives, few of us have the great good fortune to spend much time with a great leader such as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In this episode, Thom reflects on both the origin story of his relationship with Maharishi, and the final chapter of the “in-person” interactions he had with him. It’s a sweet tale that gives us a deeper appreciation of Guru-Student relationships, how the tradition of Masters that have been custodians of Vedic wisdom has evolved over time, and how the consciousness of the tradition is maintained throughout the centuries.  Episode Highlights:(00:45) A Great Seer(02:22) MIU(04:24) A Second Father(06:04) Give Me a Quote(08:31) A Good Night's Sleep(10:38) Om(12:59) All Rise(14:44) A Force Five Hurricane of Happiness(16:27) Jai Guru Deva(18:03) An Exclamation of Joy(20:13) Angavastra Dhoti(22:22) Asana(24:22) Guru Purnima(26:24) Puja(27:46) An Advanced Technique(29:10) An Alternative to the Advanced Technique(31:09) Minimiz

  • Our Role in Parent-Child Relationships

    09/07/2023 Duración: 25min

    Why do we choose our parents and why do our children choose us? Working out the evolutionary function of parent-child relationships is tricky, and quite possibly a waste of time. While it might satisfy the intellect to come up with an answer, the contributing factors are likely to be more complex than the intellect can process.What we can do though, is to become exemplars in the relationship, whether it be with our parents, or with our children. We can bypass the need to know, or the need to control the dynamic, and shine the light for parents and children to follow, should they choose two.Thom explains more in this Q&A episode… Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q-Why Did I Choose My Parents?[01:12] A-The Purpose of Jiva[03:33] The Menu of Potential Parents[05:40] Governing Agents in Our Lives[07:34] Gratitude for Challenging Home Life[09:20] The Curse and Blessing of Materialism[11:24] Parenting Our Parents[14:13] The Gift of Enlightenment[16:29] Q-How to Inspire Stubborn Child's Knowledge Without Force?[17:09]

  • Why do We Self Sabotage Ourselves?

    02/07/2023 Duración: 47min

    There’s no shortage of self judgments we can make that don’t make us feel good, and self sabotage is up there with the best.It provides a talking point for countless therapy sessions, and gives us plenty of ammunition for those moments when we’re trying to rationalize our actions.So what is self sabotage and why do we do it? The good news is that, like all things, it has an evolutionary function.Thom explains in more detail in this episode, releasing us from the need to explain ourselves in the process.Episode Highlights:[03:32] Mood Changes[05:03] Breaking Free from the Habit of Constant Mental Activity[07:08] The Endless Quest for Something Better  [09:16] Dreams as Stress Release[11:02] Dreams and Realities[12:48] Dreaming Within Dreams[14:29] The Relationship Between Consciousness and Suffering[16:11] It's All Part of a Learning Curve[18:40] The Interplay Between Capability and Suffering[20:41] Pursuing Happiness Amidst Discomfort[22:35] Thoughts and Bodily Functions[24:49] The Deep Inner Workings of the

  • World Peace is an Inside Job

    25/06/2023 Duración: 39min

    War is a 24/7 business, and none of us have lived through a time when there isn’t war raging in some part of the world, whether it be a full-blown international conflict, or a localized civil war.So the idea of world peace might seem like a pipe dream, something over which we have no control. In this episode, Thom reminds us of the magnitude of the problem, and educates us on the magnitude of the solution. It turns out that the solution is actually more simple than we might think, and that our contribution to the solution is more significant than we might realize…Episode Highlights:[03:34] The Endless Cycle of War: From the Past to the Present[05:52] Individual Peace is the Basis of World Peace[07:31] The Evolution of Industrial Killing[09:23] Stalemate[11:36] The Nightmare of Another World War[13:46] The Paradox of Democracy and Nuclear Weapons[15:32] Finding Happiness Beyond Money[17:23] The Limits of Material Wealth in Achieving Happiness[18:58] This Elusive Thing Called Happiness[20:56] Exploring the Rela

  • The Akashic Record Explained

    18/06/2023 Duración: 26min

    “Readings” of the Akashic record have become popular in recent years. In our quest to understand the mysteries behind who we are, how we got here, and why this, that or the other thing happened, the promise of the Akashic record is compelling.But what exactly is the Akashic record? Can you actually access it? And, if so, how? Thom explains the true meaning of the Akashic record in this episode, which reflects the wisdom of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s famous quote, “Knowledge is structured in consciousness.” It’s a reminder that no matter what tools we call upon, the only limitation to our access to knowledge that’s relevant for us to have, is our state of consciousness.Episode Highlights:[03:11] Mastering Sanskrit Pronunciation[06:17] Maha Bhuta: The Five Great Elements[09:18] Chit and Consciousness[12:29] Reverse Engineering The Universe: Understanding the Beginning of Time[14:35] Akashic Record Holds the Secrets of The Universe[17:29] The Two Truths: Temporal and Transcendent[19:54] The Unchanging and Ever-Chan

  • The Relationship Between Trust and Charm

    11/06/2023 Duración: 18min

    A lot of weight is put on the notion of having “trust” in our choices. And while many of us do so, we might find ourselves analyzing the results of our choices and debating whether the trust was warranted or not. The Vedic worldview has a different perspective on this, and finds trust to be an unreliable companion. In fact it’s the need for trust that leads to the need for it to be evaluated. The Vedic position is reminiscent of the lesson delivered from Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield in the Bhagavad Gita, “Established in Being, perform action.”Thom explains in this episode, the distinction between trust and charm. Charm being the tool available to Vedic meditators, that provides the impulse to take action without the need for trust, or even the need to analyze the results after the fact.It’s a subtle but essential distinction for those interested in accelerating their evolution. And if you’d like to reduce your dependence on trust and dig a little deeper into the subject, Thom’s course, The Art of Foll

  • The Evolutionary Function of Suicide

    04/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    In a recent episode, Thom explored the subject of where suicidal thoughts come from. And while this might help us understand the origins of suicidal thoughts, it doesn’t explain the evolutionary role that suicide plays.Thom takes us deeper in this episode and delivers a comforting perspective, which doesn’t condone suicide as such but explains how it is at least evolutionary. Importantly, he explains that while it may be evolutionary, there are even more evolutionary alternatives available. This is a must-listen episode for anyone affected by, or harboring suicidal thoughts. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or are experiencing a mental health crisis:In the United States: Dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 988 or go to SuicidePreventionLifeline.orgIn Australia: Dial 13 11 14 or go to all other countries, visit this page for your local prevention hotline: Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - What is the Evol

  • Understanding the Caste System of India

    29/05/2023 Duración: 15min

    When we think of India, many people question the fairness of the so-called caste system, which, on the face of it, appears to divide the population into different classes, based on the family one is born into. This perception appears to limit the opportunities people have in their lifetime, and some even think that being born into a “lower” caste can be a result of so-called “bad karma.”In this episode, Thom sets the record straight, describing the actual structure and function of the caste system, and how it came to be distorted to the point that it effectively became a class system. He includes a beautiful example from the Tradition of Masters that have been the custodians of Vedic Meditation over the centuries, of one particular Master who flexed his caste to be even more fully of service than he already was.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The Caste System in India[02:14] The Four Castes or Varnas[04:40] The Caste System: A British Creation[06:47] Four within Four[09:02] Adi Shankara: The Brahmin Who Considered

  • Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

    21/05/2023 Duración: 19min

    In the recent episode about punya and deserving power, Thom clarified that good fortune is a result of expanding our consciousness, rather than a reward for good behavior.This still leaves the question open though, about why “bad things” happen to “good people.”In this episode, Thom closes the loop on the question, and invites us to reconsider our definition of “bad things” and to see the role that they play in our evolution.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Heroes and Villains[02:27] The Essence of Heroism[04:28] The Riverine Life: Flowing Forward Through Challenges[06:20] Bad Things Lead to Progress[08:29] Moving Beyond "Bad Things"[10:17] The Role of Struggles in Our Evolution[11:35] The Intriguing Nature of Life's Obstacles[13:48] The Illusion of Good and Bad in Evolution[15:54] Lotus Flower – From Mud to MagnificenceUseful Linksinfo@thomknoles.com

  • Punya - How to Increase Your Deserving Power

    14/05/2023 Duración: 30min

    Good fortune is often seen as some kind of cosmic reward for good behavior. “If I do good things, then good things will happen to me.” This has actually evolved as a misunderstanding of the concept of karma.Rather than being a reward, the Vedic position on good fortune is that it is actually a result. More specifically, it’s a result of enhanced consciousness, brought about by the removal of stresses that prevent us from seeing the most evolutionary opportunities available to us.Thom explains this in more detail in this episode, in which he clarifies the meaning of punya, or deserving power, and he explains the path to maximizing your punya.Episode Highlights:[00:45] What is Deserving Power?[02:38] How Our State of Consciousness Shapes Reality[04:49] Who Am I Really?[06:37] The Power of Pure Consciousness: Embracing the Unmanifest[08:32] Transcendence and Truth: The Key to Understanding Self[10:30] Punya: Finding Your True Self[12:25] How to Get 90% Punya[14:27] Authenticity in the Age of Social Media[16:12]

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