Peggy Willms

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You know that moment when you realize you have mastered your wellness? Or that you will never fall off the Roller Coaster of Life? Yeah, me either, but I still ride unicorns. I will teach you how to become a Mindset Master. You will learn how your habits and behavior affect the success of your nutrition, exercise, relationships, organization and more. Motivation doesnt arrive in an email so stop waiting for it. You have to take action, then motivation follows. I am Coach Peggy Willms. Join me on Coach, Couch, and Coffee Radio where you will learn that being happy and healthy is way more than carrot sticks and squats. Get out of your comfort zone and recognize the simple truth - we arent that special. We all have crap to deal with, and we all have more in common than not. I want to spark you into action. We will learn, love and laugh together. Tune in for a cozy, coffee chat thatll make you want to make a difference in your life and in others.


  • Even Coaches Need Coaches with guest Coach Peggy Willms!


    Often when we are experts in our own field, we forget we still need guidance and support. We also get complacent and hover in our comfort zones. Doctors need their own doctor. Teachers lean on other brilliant teachers. And, our own Coach Peggy, needs her own Coach. In the last 30 years, she has transformed the lives of thousands of clients and employees with her tenacious passion and creative approaches to health and wellness. She is a Mindset Master and has heard about every excuse in the book. So how does she cope when the tables are turned on her? When her tough love one-liners like Youre Not That Special are tossed at her? Dont miss this energetic and passionate discussion!

  • It's Coffee Time ~ YES your Family Wellness History & Habits affect YOU NOW


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggyis an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions,shares strategies and concepts aboutAll Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us. This week's chat is aboutthe multitude of learned behaviors we have knowingly or unknowingly brought forth with us from our formative years. How has your Family Wellness History and Habits affected your wellness success or struggles? Did you witness any bingeing or maybe you had a garden? Were you an active family or couch potatoes? Did your gym teacher embarrass the hell out of you or did you have killer self-esteem or maybe a jack-ass brother? You will learn to either rewire or put to rest your wellness history. Join me, and let's rewrite your futureFamily Wellness History and Habits.

  • It's Coffee Time ~ This week let's talk HATES...hate the scale, hate to journal, hate to sweat and more


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggy is an open forum, coffee-house chill vibe where Coachanswers questions, shares strategies and concepts about All Things Wellness.Once in awhile, special guests will stop by to chit chat about a variety of subjects. Every week is different. Grab a coffee and join us. This week's chat is about several HATE's: hating the scale, journaling, sweating and more...

  • Coffee Time with Coach Peggy


    Coffee Time with Coach Peggy. Coffee Time is about answering questions I have received, sharing astrategy or a concept and maybe even a challenge for the week.It is time for us to ESPRESSO ourselves.

  • Get Your Life Back. Change your Thoughts. Change your Life. Guest: Mary Heath


    Mary Heath will take you from Hopelessness and Helplessness to Regaining Control, Peace of Mind and Strength of Character. She will demonstrate that if you can challenge and change your thoughts and beliefs you can change your life. You can GET YOUR LIFE BACK. Mary will teach us hereclectic mix of skills, tools, techniques and therapies everyone has the ability to get their life back

  • Mind, Body, Diabetes - Change your Mindset Now


    Author Dr. Emma Mardlin, PhD offers unique information and support to emotionally and physically break free from diabetes through her extensive experience of type 1 diabetes and professional expertise in mind body medicine. She will share and new and exciting ways of thinking about this condition, creating profound, positive change and will outline ground-breaking practical resources that can help to improve the condition and even stop it, if we choose to take it that far.

  • Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells us how.


    Be the Dad she NEEDS you to be not the Dad you THINK you should be! Rob Bardunias tells us how. Rob is the COO of a public multinational logistics company and currently lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin via Long Island, NY, with his wife of 12 years, Kathleen, and his 6 year-old daughter, Alexandra. Growing up one of four brothers and with a verydiverse career from performing on Broadway to working with start-ups, one might say Rob was quite unprepared for raising a daughter. Nope! Rapidly he took a stance. In a world where girls have wavering self-image and identity - where social media is portraying gobs of "fake" identities - where women are still fighting for equal rights and equal pay, hewas not about to allow the world to shape his daughter or watch her try to fit in. He will share with us how Alexandra marches to the beat of her own drum, will slay a dragon in the grocery store if she desires, chants her own mantra "Be Alex," and so much more. Join us as we laugh and perhaps tear up as Rob shares how he

  • What do Psychology and Photography have in common? Guest Lizzie Larock lights our creative fire.


    If your life feels like one big, never-ending laundry list of to-do items, it's time to create something different. Lizzie Larocks work is for anyone who wants to turn off Netflix, get out of their usual routine, infuse a little creativity into their day-to-day and be inspired in ANY area of life.

  • Let's Bulldoze Right Through Fear. Dr. Emma Mardlin tells us how. Part 2/2


    When was the last time you did something that scared you? The last time you really pushed your boundaries, took a risk, and felt you not only bulldozed right through your fear but, in fact, used it to propel you forward? If youve ever successfully confronted and overcome anything, you've undoubtedly felt a sense of self-satisfaction. This experience will provide you with a true sense of freedom, allowing you to breathe effortlessly and fully absorb life, knowing the only thing that can ever really hold you back is YOU!Dr. Em will offering a step-by-step guide to incrementally breaking out of your comfort zone and confronting and transforming fear,

  • Let's Bulldoze Right Through Fear. Dr. Emma Mardlin tells us how. Part 1/2


    When was the last time you did something that scared you? The last time you really pushed your boundaries, took a risk, and felt you not only bulldozed right through your fear but, in fact, used it to propel you forward? If youve ever successfully confronted and overcome anything, you've undoubtedly felt a sense of self-satisfaction. This experience will provide you with a true sense of freedom, allowing you to breathe effortlessly and fully absorb life, knowing the only thing that can ever really hold you back is YOU!Dr. Em will offering a step-by-step guide to incrementally breaking out of your comfort zone and confronting and transforming fear,

  • Are you Introverted or Extroverted? Be your best at work, home and play. Guest: Jane Finkle


    In todays world, success requires speaking up, promoting oneself and taking initiative. Extroverts fearless of tooting their own horns, naturally thrive in this environment, but introverts often stumble. Discover how Introverts can use their natural qualities to their best advantage, then add a sprinkling of extroverted skills to round out a forceful combination for ultimate career and life success.

  • NO MORE B.S. It's your REAL WORLD. Let's learn how to live healthy - YOUR way. No More Yo-Yo'ing. No more guilt.


    How many ups and downs have you experienced trying to lose weight or embed a consistent exercise plan? Five, Ten, Fifty?Why aren't these top-selling medications, pills, diets, training appointments, surgeries NOT working or sticking? Guess who holds all of the secrets? YOU! Yes, YOU! The answers are desiging your goals and desires and buiolding them into your Real World. The strategies and tools that work for you. Grab your coffee and join me to uncover your answers - I won't B.S. you.

  • Are you ready for a spiritual health checkup? Author Rob Baynes shares how spiritual growth can improve our wellness.


    We all have heard of having a medical checkup. But have you ever heard of a spiritual health checkup? Learn about the difference between our soul and our spirit, the three most important functions of religion, and the key to spiritual growth.

  • THE STRESS MESS: Adrenaline and Cortisol – Friends or Foes with guest Dr. Markus Wettstein (Part 2 of 2)


    I AM STRESSED! I CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT!The two are related.Stress Management = Weight Management!Do you know the different levels of stress? What if we tell you coping with stress may be the key to losing weight? Join Dr. Markus Wettstein, Endocrinologist, and I as we "De"Stress Stress!"(Part 1 of 2: Part 2 airs 4/29/2019)

  • We all need jobs - both Animals & Humans. And words matter to both Animals and Humans! Special Guest: Darcy Pariso


    We all seek a purpose-a reason to live or a satisfying job to improve our confidence, knowledge, connections and more - as do animals. We recognize the signs when our passions are aligned and react kindly to words of affirmation from peers and loved ones, and so do our furry friends. Join me and my Special Guest, Darcy Pariso, animal communicator, intuitive medium and Reiki Master. She will share how animals are no different when needing a job or being affected by the words we use.

  • THE STRESS MESS: Adrenaline and Cortisol – Friends or Foes with guest Dr. Markus Wettstein (Part 1 of 2)


    I AM STRESSED! I CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT! The two are related. Stress Management = Weight Management!Do you know the different levels of stress? What if we tell you coping with stress may be the key to losing weight? Join Dr. Markus Wettstein, Endocrinologist, and I as we "De"Stress Stress!"(Part 1 of 2: Part 2 airs 4/29/2019)

  • Soap Operas + Animated Movies = Real Life Lessons (Part 2 of 2). Join me and my special guest, Kate Adams.


    Kate Adams believes everything is a story and your story is everything. She spent eight years as the Assistant Casting Director at the Emmy-winning soap opera As the World Turns. And her TED talk,Four Larger-Than-Life Lessons from Soap Operashas been viewed over1.5 million times. As much as Kate finds commonalities between soaps and real-life lessons, I relate animated movies to real-life lessons. Join us April 8th for Part 2 (Part 1 was aired April 1st) as we chat about howSoap Operas + Animated Movies = Real-Life Lessons.

  • Soap Operas + Animated Movies = Real Life Lessons (Part 1 of 2). Join me and my special guest, Kate Adams.


    Kate Adams believes everything is a story and your story is everything. She spent eight years as the Assistant Casting Director at the Emmy-winning soap opera As the World Turns. And her TED talk, Four Larger-Than-Life Lessons from Soap Operas has been viewed over 1.5 million times. As much as Kate finds commonalities between soaps and real-life lessons, I relate animated movies to real-life lessons. Join us April 1st and 8th for a 2-part series as we chat about how Soap Operas + Animated Movies = Real-Life Lessons.

  • A New Beginning: Life Coaches, Human & Animal! with guest Peggy Willms!


    Would you like a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life? Have you wondered what it would be like to work with a life coach? Please join me as I welcome Peggy Willms, a life coach and host of Coach, Couch Coffee on Transformation Talk Radio to Animal Soul Wisdom. Peggy will inspire you to take action and have fun doing it! We will discuss how your animals may be helping you as your personal life coach. Find out more this Thursday!

  • It's Spring Time...What's Up with these Damn Geckos. Special Guest Darcy Pariso, Animal Communicator, Medium and Reiki Master


    Are you missing messages because you are so busy? I was. Darcy Pariso is an animal communicator, intuitive medium and Reiki Master who will help us recognize life-changing messages we might be missing. Come find out about my Gecko story!

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