Papa Phd Podcast



Exploring Career Paths & Life After Grad School


  • Graydon Snider –Part 2 – Building Your Path Towards Data Science

    03/07/2020 Duración: 42min

    In part 2 of my conversation with Graydon Snider, we dug a little deeper into his rationale for exploring career avenues during his postdoc. The strategies and resources he used, the people he met, the notes he took. I also took the opportunity to ask Graydon what the day-to-day of a data scientist looks like... The post Graydon Snider –Part 2 – Building Your Path Towards Data Science appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Graydon Snider – Part 1 – Designing The Academic Path That Fits You

    02/07/2020 Duración: 30min

    Do you know what it means to be a data scientist? This domain that is attracting more and more PhDs is fairly new, and looking at the job postings out there, it might be difficult to understand exactly what the requirements are and what the job entails. This week you’ll be hearing about Graydon Snider’s... The post Graydon Snider – Part 1 – Designing The Academic Path That Fits You appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Jean-Sébastien Provost – Partie 2 – Accéder au domaine de la science des données

    26/06/2020 Duración: 41min

    Dans cette deuxième partie de ma conversation avec Jean-Sébastien Provost, on a parlé du chapitre postdoc de son trajet académique et de comment celui-ci l’a propulsé vers la carrière de scientifique des données. On a ensuite plongé dans la question de ce qu’est que la science des données et de comment accéder à ce domaine... The post Jean-Sébastien Provost – Partie 2 – Accéder au domaine de la science des données appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Jean-Sébastien Provost – Partie 1 – De la psychologie aux sciences biomédicales

    25/06/2020 Duración: 45min

    Cette semaine, je vous apporte une entrevue à propos d’un domaine où les détenteurs de doctorats en sciences sont très en demande – la science des données. Pour en parler, j’ai eu le plaisir d’avoir à mon micro Jean-Sébastien Provost, docteur en sciences biomédicales. Jean-Sébastien Provost détient un doctorat en science biomédicale de l’Université de... The post Jean-Sébastien Provost – Partie 1 – De la psychologie aux sciences biomédicales appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Athina Zampara – Part 2 – Leveraging Your Skills in Project Management

    18/06/2020 Duración: 35min

    In part 2 of this week’s interview, Athina Zampara tells her story of investing in learning as an adult and of building her CV to eventually find a position in the European Commission, where she now oversees projects offering support to PhDs and researchers around the globe. Athina Zampara comes from Greece and has lived... The post Athina Zampara – Part 2 – Leveraging Your Skills in Project Management appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Athina Zampara – Part 1 – From Physics to the E-Learning Industry

    18/06/2020 Duración: 34min

    In this week’s episode, you’ll be hearing about gender bias in academia, about the experience of being a first-generation graduate student, and about the daunting question of “is it OK to quit your PhD?” This week’s guest will also talk about her career journey leading to a Project Officer position in the European Commission. Athina... The post Athina Zampara – Part 1 – From Physics to the E-Learning Industry appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Olivier Hernandez – Partie 2 – Études de troisième cycle, un atout pour la vie

    12/06/2020 Duración: 41min

    Dans la deuxième partie de mon entrevue avec Olivier Hernandez, nous avons abordé plus en profondeur la question des compétences transversales qu’on développe en tant que doctorant, la question du mentorat aux études de troisième cycle et Olivier a partagé quelques conseils pour ceux d’entre vous qui embarquent dans cette aventure ou la vivent déjà.... The post Olivier Hernandez – Partie 2 – Études de troisième cycle, un atout pour la vie appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Olivier Hernandez – Partie 1 – Du génie à l’industrie à l’astrophysique

    11/06/2020 Duración: 38min

    Cette semaine, je vous apporte une passionnante conversation dans l’univers du génie et de l’astrophysique. Au cours de cet échange avec mon invité, Olivier Hernandez, vous apprendrez à quoi peut ressembler un trajet académique du domaine de l’ingénierie au doctorat en astrophysique et on vous amènera dans une intéressante discussion à propos de la réalité... The post Olivier Hernandez – Partie 1 – Du génie à l’industrie à l’astrophysique appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Zoë Ayres – Part 2 – Being a Research Scientist in the Water Industry

    29/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    In Part 2 of my conversation with Zoë Ayres, we discussed her experience transitioning from an industry-led postdoc to her current position in the water industry. We talked about the application and interviewing process and about best practices at this important stage, about what you bring to the table as a candidate when you have... The post Zoë Ayres – Part 2 – Being a Research Scientist in the Water Industry appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Zoë Ayres – Part 1 – A Path From Chemistry to Industry

    28/05/2020 Duración: 31min

    Do you ever wish you could try your hand at an industry job without putting your academic career on halt? In this week’s episode, you’ll hear about Zoë Ayres and about how she managed to do exactly that by choosing to do take on industry-backed projects for her master’s, her PhD, and her postdoc in... The post Zoë Ayres – Part 1 – A Path From Chemistry to Industry appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Maryse Thomas – Part 2 – Science Communication in Academia

    14/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    In Part 2 of my interview with Maryse Thomas, we talk about the role scientists can play in disseminating sound scientific information. We also discuss the and how being director of this science popularization platform has beciome an integral part of her academic career. Maryse Thomas is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Massachussets... The post Maryse Thomas – Part 2 – Science Communication in Academia appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Maryse Thomas – Part 1 – Enriching Your Graduate School Experience

    14/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    In this episode, we’re going to talk with Maryse Thomas, Director of the Useful Science website and podcast, about science communication and popularization, and about how it can enrich your graduate school experience and your career as a young researcher. We’re also going to hear about her PhD and about her recent experience going abroad... The post Maryse Thomas – Part 1 – Enriching Your Graduate School Experience appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Nathalie Ross – Part 2 – Building a Career in Scientific and Medical Writing

    07/05/2020 Duración: 43min

    In the second part of my conversation with Nathalie Ross, we discussed what brought her to the regulatory affairs domain and I asked her to describe in more detail what the job entails and what the day-to-day of a freelance medical writer looks like. Nathalie Ross, Ph.D., MWC, a former research scientist, is a bilingual... The post Nathalie Ross – Part 2 – Building a Career in Scientific and Medical Writing appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Nathalie Ross – Part 1 – A Path to Regulatory Writing

    07/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    The COVID-19 pandemic we’re going through as this episode is airing has made us more aware than ever of how complex and time-consuming it is to study, test, and approve medical treatments. This week’s guest, Nathalie Ross, is going to share her experience in a domain where, as a PhD, she felt she was actively... The post Nathalie Ross – Part 1 – A Path to Regulatory Writing appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Anne-Hélène Dupont – Partie 2 – Enseigner, écrire, publier en sciences humaines

    01/05/2020 Duración: 42min

    Dans la deuxième partie de notre entrevue, Anne-Hélène nous parle de comment s’est déroulé pour elle le passage au marché du travail et de ce qu’elle fait aujourd’hui. Elle nous parlera aussi de l’expérience de publier un essai basé sur sa thèse et partagera avec vous ses conseils pour votre passage au doctorat et pour... The post Anne-Hélène Dupont – Partie 2 – Enseigner, écrire, publier en sciences humaines appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Anne-Hélène Dupont – Partie 1 – Le trajet professionnel en lettres

    30/04/2020 Duración: 38min

    Cette semaine, Papa PhD ouvre une fenêtre sur les lettres. Comment se passe un doctorat en littérature? Est-ce qu’il y a des bourses? Et quelles sont les emplois auxquels il mène? Pour en parler, nous avons aujourd’hui au micro Anne-Hélène Dupont qui, dans un premier temps, nous parlera de son parcours académique et, dans la... The post Anne-Hélène Dupont – Partie 1 – Le trajet professionnel en lettres appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Jonathan Weitzman – Part 2 – Preparing Students For Their Professional Life

    24/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    In part two of our conversation, Jonathan Weitzman talks about how he envisions career building in academia and talks about different projects he’s championed at the Université de Paris aimed at preparing his students for their professional life and empowering them during their graduate studies. Jonathan Weitzman is a professor of genetics at the Université... The post Jonathan Weitzman – Part 2 – Preparing Students For Their Professional Life appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Jonathan Weitzman – Part 1 – Enriching Your Academic Career

    23/04/2020 Duración: 37min

    Even academic and professional paths that look straighforward from afar and in hindsight were built on highs and lows, opportunities, obstacles, time-outs. Today’s conversation illustrates this perfectly and shows how these irregularities are part of what makes the journey interesting. Jonathan Weitzman is a professor of genetics at the Université de Paris, founding director of... The post Jonathan Weitzman – Part 1 – Enriching Your Academic Career appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Martin Primeau – Partie 2 – La réalité professionnelle en communication scientifique

    17/04/2020 Duración: 43min

    Dans cette deuxième partie de l’entrevue avec Martin Primeau, on a discuté plus en détail de la profession de communicateur scientifique dans le milieu journalistique et dans un milieu institutionnel et Martin a partagé ses conseils pour une transition sereine et productive vers la vie professionnelle après la maîtrise ou le doctorat. Spécialiste de la... The post Martin Primeau – Partie 2 – La réalité professionnelle en communication scientifique appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

  • Martin Primeau – Partie 1 – Trouver son chemin du doctorat à la communication scientifique

    16/04/2020 Duración: 39min

    Dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui de Papa PhD, je partage avec vous la première partie d’une conversation très agréable qui s’est déroulée en personne au Café Java Mythe, dans le quartier de Villeray, à Montréal, avec Martin Primeau. Au long de cette première partie, on a discuté tu trajet académique de Martin et de comment il a... The post Martin Primeau – Partie 1 – Trouver son chemin du doctorat à la communication scientifique appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

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