Dare to Find Your V*O*I*C*E

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 30:08:22
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This is a show about people – ordinary people who have something extraordinary to say. Introducing people who are discovering the Value of Openness, the power of Intention of Clearing old patterns and learning to Express their truth. It’s about connecting people to their power and purpose by Daring to speak their V*O*I*C*E.


  • The Power of Trying New Things: An interview with Annie Berry

    04/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    Annie Berry loves to be active. She grew up hiking and camping, but she always wanted to be a dancer.  The only dance class she ever took pre-pole was a dance class for P.E. credit in high school. She says, "I was probably horrible, but I ate it up."Fast forward to adulthood after she had her first baby.  At the time there weren’t any adult beginner dance classes offered where she lived, so she searched online for dance videos, yoga--whatever she could find. She stumbled across pole dance videos on youtube and instantly fell in love with the dance and acrobatics involved.  She ordered her first pole in 2009 started practicing in her living room.In this interview, Annie explains how her pole helped her through depression, find confidence, and to "find her sexy." She is now helping other women to do the same--including me! This is a fun interview! You are going to love Annie!You can find Annie on instagram @stgpoledance and @anaberry216 or on her website www.southernutahpoledance.com.

  • The Power of Being Open: an up close and personal chat with Dave

    28/12/2017 Duración: 40min

    My husband, Dave, has spent the past 15 years transforming his life, moving from "praying for God to take his life" to living a joyful life of being committed to excellence.  He was always good at action, but still he was unable to connect who he knew he was to who he was actually able to BE. While he never felt he had lost his voice, he knew he was living far below his potential, and he was really frustrated. He had been rationalizing his frustration by saying "when I die, then I will be able to live my full potential." Clinging to hope kept him going until he found the piece he was missing.For Dave, the first step to connecting with his power began with fueling his body with good nutrition. He quotes Og Mandino in scroll #2, "when I really love myself, I'll inspect everything that goes into my body." This gave him the stamina on a daily basis to be consistent in his search for the next step, whcih for Dave, was being Open to new ideas--learing principles around the mental side of action. Admittedly, he is n

  • The Power of Living, Growing, and Giving: An Interview with Krista Palo

    21/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    Three years ago, Krista Palo went from being a stay-at-home mom to being a single mom. Not having worked outside the home for several years, she was suddenly back in the workforce earning minimum wage. She soon found herself overwhelmed with life, so she made a decision to take charge of her life. She looked inside, got clear on what she really wanted, and created the business she needed in order to live the life she desired. Krisa the is the Founder & CEO of Evolve, an organization dedicated to helping individuals intentionally live, continually grow, and add value to others through principles of servant leadership.Krista completed her MBA in January 2017 and is a John Maxwell Certified speaker, teacher and coach. She has been an Entrepreneur since 2004, and loves to learn. She is passionate and enthusiastic about sharing what she has learned with others.Evolve's website https://www.livegrowgive.org/ is home to Krista's personal and professional development blog, her podcast Real Life, Real Passion and o

  • The Power of VIRTUE

    14/12/2017 Duración: 19min

    I probably drove Dave, my husband, crazy with "Why can't I find my purpose?" so finally one day he suggested that maybe my purpose was just to be happy. What a concept--and it worked! It wasn't long until I received the "download..." My purpose and passion is connecting women (and men) to their Virtue, Power, and Purpose."So what do I mean by "connecting to virtue?" “Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards.” To me, that is basically the definition of virtue. I also found that virtue means strength, compassion, and ethics. It means tradition. It means generosity and honesty, wisdom, courage, justice, tolerance, good speech, respect, purity, courtesy, long suffering. … and this is according to Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese religions, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity, as well as Judaism, and Islam.

  • Finding Power and Purpose through Adversity: an interview with Heather Choate

    07/12/2017 Duración: 32min

    I first met Heather Choate--a 27-time Amazon best-selling author with a bright and burning purpose--through the Mechanic to Millionaire podcast Facebook group. I was privileged to read and write a review of her latest book, "Fighting For Our LIves," and it touched me so deeply!When Heather was pregnant with her 6th child, she was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease and faced a difficult choice that affected not only her but her unborn baby.  Listen as she shares her poignant story and how this extremely difficult experience helped her discover her power and her purpose. Through her journey she found, among other things, a passion for helping others find clarity and purpose in their own lives.Family is very important to Heather. Part of her mission is to strengthen families by helping couples that are struggling. Her goal is to to get to the root of any issue and help them find their vision and connection with each other.You can connect with Heather on Facebook (Heather Choate or https://www.facebook.com

  • The Power of Vulnerability: An Interview with Brodie Perry

    30/11/2017 Duración: 44min

    Brodie Perry was once a macho athlete who decided to join his high school choir ... and the rest is history!Brodie's voice is definitley where his power is.  He has performed with the Utah Festival Opera, St. George Musical Theater, Tuacahn, Utah State Opera Theater, and Starlight Civic Light Opera in San Diego. He has also been a guest soloist on occasion for the Dickens Festival, Utah State University, Southwest Symphony, Southwest Chorale, and many other venues. He has starred as Jean Val Jean in Les Miserables and John in Miss Saigon--two of his dream roles--and much, much more!He says, "The Voice...is personal. Especially in this world of Americal Idol, where everyone is a critic, people can absolutely humiliated when it comes to ...the voice." His defines vulnerability as "a journey to feeling comfortable with who they are, a way of leveling the playing field and connecting people. You can see people who are so different in so many ways. It takes one person in a room of 1000s to be truly and genuinely v

  • Upclose and Personal: How I Met My Mechanic

    23/11/2017 Duración: 44min

    I thought it would be fun to switch things up a little bit and interview my husband, Mechanic to Millionaire himself, Dave Mac Arthur! In fact, I plan for him to make a regular appearance as a way for you to get to know us better.On this episode you will learn what baseball and a plate of homemade eclairs has to do with my marriage and finding my V.O.I.C.E.

  • The Power of UDANA Power!

    16/11/2017 Duración: 47min

    Udana Power starred on Broadway and in TV opposite Katharine Hepburn, Bill Shatner, Henry Winkler, Ron Howard, Billy Crystal, Suzanne Somers and more. She has always had a deep desire to know how life works. Her real journey into self-discovery began when she traveled to meet Osho (then Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) in Poona, India in 1979.Udana has written 11 screenplays, 1 play and several books. She is just completing MANIFEST MIRACLES: A Practical Guide to The Inner Dynamics You Need to Know. • She is a million dollar earner in network marketing. • Founding Investor, Fundraiser and Strategic Partner in Muzit – a digital marketing platform that was created by artists for artists to save the music industry. It has now grown into much more and is poised to be one of the largest Big Data companies in the world. Muzit has been featured in Forbes Magazine and many other news outlets. •One thing I love about Udana is that she celebrates the juiciness of ordinary moments. Bursts into song unexpectedly, dances at midnig

  • The Power of Journaling--Interview with Kim Ades of Frame of Mind Coaching

    09/11/2017 Duración: 37min

    I was introduced to Kim Ades on a podcast. I was very intrigued with what she had to say, so I filled out the assessment on her website www.FrameofMindCoaching.com. This assessment led to a 10-week coaching relationship with Kim that helped me to really see past my self-doubt and helped me to be at peace with ME!Kim is a powerful coach. Her philosophy is that people already know what to do; they just get in their own way. She gets to the core of this interference by examining the way people think.She uses interactive journaling as a tool to help her clients to first notice how their thought patterns are not serving them and then she helps them align their thinking with what they want. Kim is a big believer that "What you focus on grows." In fact, that is the title of her book. (http://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/blog/tag/what-you-focus-on-grows/)If you live a passive life, the things that are expanding in your experience are not necessarily the things that you want. This interview flows right into a fun conve

  • The Power of Lipstick!

    02/11/2017 Duración: 35min

    When I met Jennifer Zucker over 10 years ago, my first thought was "Wow! That is one confident woman!" Jen learned as a teen how to connect to the value of who she is, and she discovered that she could use make upo and fashion to magnify her confidence and to show up in life looking as fabulous on the outside as she feels on the inside. As an adult, she still loves makeup, but she feels equally as confident with our without it. She says that Confidence is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear.Jen is passionate about helping women feel beautiful--it is what gets her up in the morning. She has found great success--among the top 1% in a leading cosmetic company--because she has allowed herself to follow her passion, power, and purpose.Jen's message is to embrace the gift of who you are! Own your gift, magnify your gift, and share them with the world! This is what it means to find your V.O.I.C.E. If you would like to connect with Jennifer, you can message her in two ways:Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/jen

  • Shine! with Kendall Nielson: The Power of Dance

    26/10/2017 Duración: 27min

    Dancing was something I always wanted to do--and it was probably the one thing I resisted the most. If ever anyone invited (or challenged) me to dance, I would become paralyzed with fear. I literally would not be able to move my body, and I would oftentimes cry.After so many experiences, however, of having the "big fear" lead to my greatest breakthrough, I eventually gave in to my coach's insisting and found a way to dance.That's how I met Kendall Neilson and Shine Dance Fitness. Kendall is a dynamic, fun online dance instructor who went through a similar resistance to discover that part of her purpose is to help woman become physically fit and emotionally free through DANCE! 

  • Have a Sunshiney Day: Kindness, Loyalty, Passion, and Shoes with Holly Porter

    19/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    Holly has always been an entrepreneur. She is a fly by the seat of her pants kind of girl—her word is “figureitoutable.” There is always a way to figure it out.vWhat she pursues serves a purpose at the time, and when the purpose is over, she moves on.  “Passion is everything for me. If I’m not lovin’ it, I’m not doin’ it.”Holly has found that connecting to her core values helps to fuel her passion and purpose. She attended a seminar by Greg and Tamara Montana, and there she took a Heart Virtues test. By taking this test, she found that her two guiding values are kindness and loyalty. Heart Virtues represent your passions—what you stand for, Holly’s are kindness and loyalty. These two words helped her to understand why she has been driven to the things she has done.Holly also tells us how she came to write her book “Inbox, Outbox, Unbox, Nobox.” Why does she use to describe personality types?  In her words, “Why re-create something that’s already good? I just wanted to make it different. I had to have the fun

  • The CORE Temperament Method of Understanding Who YOU Are with Dr. Denim L. Slade

    12/10/2017 Duración: 47min

    Dr. Denim L. Slade has always been intrigued by humans and our social interactions. Over the 20 years that he has been doing therapy, he has studied, he has sought to first understand people and then employ his knowledge and techniques to help people be healthy and happy in their lives and relationships.Dr. Slade has a firm belief, born out of thousands and thousands of hours of study and clinical experience, that there are certain elements about each of us that simply do not change and that they don’t change because they are not changeable. That may sound odd coming from someone whose entire career has been dedicated to helping people change. That is exactly why he believes that understanding temperament is so essential--and I agree with him! We both believe that as we understand ourselves--why we do the things we do and why we don’t do many of the things that we don't do--we are much more effectively able to change the things that we absolutely can, and in many cases, need to change in order for our lives t

  • What does it mean to" Find Your V.O.I.C.E.?"

    05/10/2017 Duración: 18min

    What does it mean to Find your V.O.I.C.E.? and why do we have to DARE to find it? In this first episode, I share my journey of how I came from being afraid of who I was - invisible and shrinking in silence - to a confident and empowered woman who knows and cherishes the value of all that I am. Now, I am passionate about helping others understand WHY it is so important to KNOW who we are and to BE that!  To Find Your VOICE is to connect to your virtue, power, and purpose, and to fall in love with who you are.For me, V.O.I.C.E is an acronym for:V – Value. Knowing my core values and finding value in ME as an eternal being.O – Openness. Being open to learning and trying new things.I – Intention to Act. Action has to accompany intention. Set an intention and then do it.C – Clearing. Clearing out my old limiting beliefs and replacing them with new beliefs.E – Expression. Being who I know I Am. I am excited to share my journey with you, to introduce you to the people who have helped me have the courage to speak my v

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