Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Book Trends for Covers, Design and Swag 12-29-2022



Drum roll time ... this was the #1 most downloaded and listened to episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with over 245,000 downloads in 2022. It's all about creating visual delight for your book and marketing adds. Trends for publishing and books are always on the mind of authors. In this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, award-winning book designer Rebecca Finkel adds to the conversation with host, Dr. Judith Briles. Your takeaways include: - Book cover trends ... why bright and flashy pays off. - eBook trends ... why demand is there and indie authors and publishers are soaring in sales. - Overall book trends ... books sales are up and healthy; continued consolidation of the publishing giants; and digital marketing is a must for authors. The smart author wants to know how to position book marketing in a changing field. Covers make a difference. Having multiple formats is essential. Knowing which formats are the right fit for any book is critical. If