Woman On Fire Entrepreneur with Heather Picken: Build Your Million Dollar Empire

How to deal with chaos in business and life Maria Daniels



Show notes Life is Chaos. There is NO planning for Chaos. The key is being successful in the midst of it. You need to know how you define success and fight for it. ABOUT Maria Daniels is Owner Reset of Business Consulting, and Co-Owner of eXtend Marketing Partners a new company that offers a full array of marketing & consulting services nationwide. In her marketing career, she has worked with many industries including, but not limited to; tourism, natural/organic foods, retail, health, construction, and energy. Additionally, she owns a farm in Southern Ohio that focuses on organic farming, and owns a small wellness company. She is currently working on her PhD. as a Natural Health Practitioner. She has ample knowledge not only in marketing and business, but in the world of natural living/wellness, including; nutrition (foods/beverage), supplementation, sustainable agriculture, solar energy, hydroponics, and aquaponics. She has a husband and 7 kids and lives outside of Cincinnati Ohio in a rural communi