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Tell your story with a book: Why need to become a published author Annalisa Parent



ABOUT Annalisa Parent helps entrepreneurs to finish, publish and sell their expert books. She is the CEO of Laurel Elite Books, a two-time teacher of the year nominee, and a recipient of the French congressional Medal of Honor. Annalisa writes for many local, national, and international publications has written and produced sketches for a Telly-Award winning television show. She has been featured on Huffington Post Live, CBS, Associated Press, and Korean Broadcast Systems, as well as many podcasts and radio programs. Her book "Storytelling for Pantsers: How to Outline and Revise your Novel without an Outline" is a recipient of a 2018 CIPA EVVY Silver award for Best Business Book, a finalist in the humor category. SHOW NOTES Why it's important to write a book How to find your voice when writing a book Misconceptions of writing a book QUOTES "I help women to find their voice, to tell their story and tell it well" FOLLOW http://www.laurelelite.com andi@writing-gym.com ----------------------