

Watch Youtube Video here: ABOUT Madeleine Lambert is a world-traveler who, a couple of years ago, decided to settle in her a small tourist town of Collingwood, Ontario. Since moving here, she has launched a business and grown it to $50kMRR. Content Refined is thriving on a systematic process, and–likewise–Madeleine has been growing her team through a system of "pods". Now, two and a half years into this business, she and her husband have welcomed with their first child (born July 2018). So in addition to fostering a rapidly growing business, she is working on the puzzle of shifting business responsibilities while taking care of maternal needs You can have a family and a business without sacrificing one for the other. Build a family into your business plan if that's something you want for yourself. SHOW NOTES How to push past limiting beliefs to take a big risk can help you find your BIG IDEA How beliefs are ingrained as a child and why it feels scary to take a leap H