Woman On Fire Entrepreneur with Heather Picken: Build Your Million Dollar Empire

How to think BIG like Stephen Hawking Episode#156: Heather



I've always found the Universe to be an exciting mystery. Have you ever thought of yourself wanting to put something out there in the world that is bigger than you? If so you'll need to change the way that you think. Watch this episode and let me know what you think!   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L I KE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE Grab a copy of my Bestselling book: The La Dolce Vita Formula: A Woman's Guide to a Fearless and Fabulous Life! http://www.FearlessandFabulousBook.com FOLLOW ME AT: Website: http://www.heatherpicken.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatherpicken Twitter: https://twitter.com/heatherpicken Instagram: @heatherpicken iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/la-dolce-vita-formula-for-fabulous-living-attract-elite/id979298934?mt=2&ls=1 #HeatherPicken #LaDolceVitaLife #entrepreneur #BusinessAccelerator #HighPerformanceCoach #AttractEliteClients #HowtobeSuccessfulOnline #OprahInspiration #MarieForleo #TheFormul