Academic Woman Amplified

52: Dangerous Versus Scary Career Moves



Making a change in your academic career can be scary, but is it dangerous? On this episode I’m helping you recognize when deciding not to make a change might be the danger.   I’m an avid podcast listener. I recently heard a story on the How I Built This podcast about an investment banker whose doctor told her that if something didn’t change, she was going to have a stroke, or a heart attack. Staying in that job, for her, was exceedingly dangerous. This got me thinking about our careers in academia, and dangerous versus scary career moves.   Making a change, speaking up, or creating new boundaries in your career can feel scary. At times, these things might even feel like they are dangerous. Will I lose my job? What if my income changes? What about my identity as ‘an academic’? But I am here to tell you, that staying in a toxic, frustrating or overwhelming situation just because it is scary to leave or create change is where the true danger lies.    “So although it’s scary to leave, it’s not actually dangerous