Academic Woman Amplified

47: Abundance vs. Scarcity



Do you constantly feel like there is not enough time, not enough resources, not enough publications, just not enough? This isn’t a coincidence (and it isn’t the truth). In academia we’ve been conditioned into a scarcity mindset. An abundance mindset means you feel like there is enough of something: enough time, enough resources, plenty to go around for everyone. Scarcity mindset assumes there is never enough, and you better scramble and scratch for everything you can get. We’ve been conditioned to see our careers through a scarcity lens, but it does not have to be that way!  What is a Scarcity Mindset? Scarcity mindset, the feeling that there is never enough, is rampant in academia. When we never know how much is enough, it breeds feelings of never enough.    If it is unclear exactly how many publications you need for tenure, it ends up feeling like there are never enough.  When your department chair sends out the vibe that there is no money for anything and don’t even bother asking, it can seem like there i