Academic Woman Amplified

44: 5 Myths About Your Tenure Prep Experience



Are you believing any of these 5 myths about the tenure prep process? You could be setting yourself up for unneeded stress and worry, so let’s bust those myths.   Now that you’ve landed that tenure track job, it’s essential to cut through the clutter of what you think you have to do, kick guilt and overwhelm to the curb, and create a process that works without the burnout. Consider this my permission to stop believing these 5 myths, and stop acting as if they’re true.   Myth #1: You have to be quiet. Don’t believe the myth that you can’t speak your mind during your tenure process and need to keep your ideas to yourself to avoid retribution or not being thought of as a team player. At a healthy institution, your committee wants to know more about you: your views, your ideas, your style. So speak up!   “There’s this myth that you have to lay low or fly under the radar until you have tenure…”    Myth # 2: You have to work a 60+ hour work week. This myth isn’t relegated to the tenure-track process; many academics