Academic Woman Amplified

32: Three Academic Writing Mistakes That Are Holding You Back



How do you feel about your writing right now? Guilty over outstanding projects? Overwhelmed by this unprecedented semester? Confused about how others are getting things done? Maybe one of these 3 mistakes is holding you back.   Academic women are a diverse and electrifying group. I truly get so much energy from working and interacting with such an incredible group of people.   But the more academic women I get to know, the more I realize that we have some things in common that need to stop. If guilt, overwhelm, and confusion are weighing you down, consider whether you are making one of these mistakes.   Mistake #1: Thinking You’re Supposed to Know What to Do It may feel like you should know what to do when you become an academic, but why do we assume that? You may have had wonderful PhD mentors who helped guide you in writing for graduation, but that’s not the same thing as writing for publication. Now that you’ve graduated, who do you ask?    “Academia doesn’t come with a handbook.”   It’s ok not to know! It