Academic Woman Amplified

31: Debunking 5 Common Writing Myths



Is writing constantly dropping to the bottom of your to-list? Do you have a growing pile of half done projects? You may be holding on to myths about writing that are holding you back.   If you’re like many women I work with, you have a list of almost-done projects: revise-and-resubmits, drafts that need to be hacked out, reviews you’ve promised. You’re trying to figure out how to get through this semester, you’re trying to plan next semester, your list of to-do’s is a mile long.   “So much of our writing practice is about our beliefs about writing.”   The reality is that chaos always seems to take over, and writing projects keep dropping to the bottom of the list. Part of the reason that writing projects keep getting pushed out may be because you are holding on to one or more of these 5 writing myths. So let’s break them down, and bust them with some reality checks. Myth #1: You Need Inspiration to Write I used to wait for inspiration, or to feel ‘in the mood’ to write. That went right out the window when I h