Academic Woman Amplified

29: Hit the Reset Button



Is it time to hit the reset button? When we are in unusual circumstances we are forced out of the ‘norm’. And while that can definitely have its downsides, it can also give us an opportunity to reevaluate how we’re doing things.    This moment in time might be the perfect opportunity to evaluate your academic life and hit the reset button on a few things. I am a relentless optimist, and it’s my nature to look for the opportunity in any crisis or negative situation. While our current pandemic crisis has certainly piled on extra work and extra stress, I think it could also give an opportunity to explore how we might step back and change some things for the better.    This month in my Amplify program we’re focusing on mindset and digging into a lot of things that can be reset in this historical moment. But I want to give you, my podcast listeners, a peek into the types of things that can be reset for a fresh start in our academic lives.  Reset Expectations for Email Response Time Email is the worst. Now more tha