Academic Woman Amplified

20: The Benefits of Writing Retreats and How to Find One That Works for You



Why is it acceptable in our academic cultures to go to conferences, but less so to attend writing retreats? I’m diving in to the (evidence-based) benefits of retreats and how you can find one that works for you. Writing retreats might be viewed by some institutions as a vacation more than an important work activity, but that just isn’t true! Retreats are shown to have measurable positive effects on your writing and your career. That’s a win-win for everyone. In this episode of The Academic Woman Amplified I’m going deep on writing retreats to help you see the very real return on your investment. I’ll walk you through the evidence-based positive outcomes, give you tips on what to look for in a retreat, and share ideas for every level of retreat, from professional to DIY. Research on Benefits of Writing Retreats Writing retreats are good for your writing and provide ongoing benefits, and there is research to back this up.  A 2016 integrative review on academic writing retreats by Kornhaver, Cross, Betihavas, an