Academic Woman Amplified

19: Six Strategies for Creating Writing Momentum



Writing is a practice that we probably all need to practice more. But it can be hard to get the ball rolling. I’m sharing 6 strategies to build momentum, so you can ride out the rough writing days and not let them stop you in your tracks. Momentum infuses writing with energy and helps your writing practice take on a life of its own. When you’ve created some writing momentum, you reduce guilt and overwhelm (writing’s two biggest enemies) because you feel like you’re on task and in charge. In this podcast episode I’m sharing six strategies to help you jump start a writing practice that has been on pause, or breathe new life into one that has begun to feel like a chore. Six Strategies for Creating Writing Momentum Strategy #1: Small, Consistent Sessions It would be awesome to have big, clear chunks of time for writing. But usually, we don’t. If you’re waiting for those times to magically appear, your writing practice may have stalled out.  To get it going again, aim for short, consistent sessions every day. Use