Academic Woman Amplified

16: New Year’s Resolutions for Academic Writers



While January 1st can be seen as an arbitrary date, New Year’s feels like a clean slate. And because I believe that successful writing is all about how it feels, I would love for you to create some resolutions to help you start this year off on the right foot. A resolution is different than a goal, and very different than a plan. It is something that we resolve to do (and that usually takes deep resolve to keep doing). I suggest choosing something that you want to become a habit for you. Something that will make your life better.  You may also want to choose an overarching theme for your year, a big desire you have that will be your focus for the year. Be sure that your theme informs your decisions about how to structure the rest of your time, and that you tackle resolutions incrementally. To Make Your Resolution Stick, Make it Incremental Don’t try to make a huge, radical change all at once and expect it to stick; that’s how resolutions fail. Instead, plan to implement your resolution in “incremental upgrade