Academic Woman Amplified

14: Should I Write Over Break?



The culture in academia sets us up to see breaks as a time to catch up or get ahead. But should you spend break time writing? My answer as a writing coach might surprise you. As the semester reaches a crescendo, tasks pile up and it seems like there’s just not enough time to do it all. It gets very tempting to push things into break time. After all, you don’t have teaching tasks during break, so that’s the perfect time to finish those annoying tasks, right? Wrong. Break time should be just that, a break!    My First Suggestion for Break Take a break! Seriously, if there is any way at all that you can do it, I urge you to completely disconnect from academia over your break. You need that restorative pause in order to come back with a fresh, energized brain that is ready to think creatively. So if you can, take your whole break off. If you feel like you just have to get something done, consider following my 3 week framework. “Disconnecting from your work is vital to not burning out.” My 3 Week Framework for Bre