Conrad Rocks

Flag Over the Cross



We were going for a walk down a street that means Good View and I saw a flag hanging over a cross. And the words "We are exalting the flag over Jesus" came out of my mouth. I had some more confirmations from friends quickly after that. Show Notes: Walking down a street that means Good Vision! ; Exalting the flag above Jesus; Two or Three confirmations; China taking down crosses above the flag; Francis Bellamy and the pledge of Allegiance; Spanish Flu killed 675 Thousand Americans; Azusa Street Revival began in a home; Looking to everyone but God for answers; "Under God" not added til 1954; Original Bellamy Salute looked like Nazi and Fascist Salute; The spirit behind it all; Exodus 20:4-5 not serving idols; Luke 4:5-8 Only serve God; Prophetic Facebook comment by Diane M. Holstein; The football dream comes up again; 2Ch 7:13-14 God's prescription for saving His people; Links: Fox news CHRISTIAN POST