Conrad Rocks

Faith and Evidence



People in the bible ask for confirmations of their faith. Our faith grows as our relationship grows; Mark 8:36 God is more important; Matthew 10:28 Fear God not man ; Vines definition of Faith ; Examining Hebrews 11 relationships; Enoch walked with God; Noah heard God; Abraham heard God; Have faith in God Mark 11:22-26; Paul had a relationship before miracles happened; There is Power in the word; Evidence procedures when losing weight; Gideon and his evidence procedures; Judges 6:36-38 fleece gets wet; Judges 6:39-40 fleece gets dry; An enemy bolsters Gideon's Faith! Judges 7:9-15; Manoah seeks evidence - Judges 13:8-9; Daniel 10:12-14 Daniel seeks a solution; Daniel 9:20-23 Daniel seeks God; My evidence to go to Florida; Trying to buy a house without praying about it; Zechariah vs Mary; Links my book