Conrad Rocks

Moving Toward Jesus and Away from Sin



Some of us grit our teeth and try to stop sinning. This is different than simply seeking God. When we seek God, sin loses it's grip. The bible has answers! ; Drawing near to God and He draws near to us James 4:8; Recovering ourselves out of the snare of the devil 2 Tim 2:25,26 ; PSALM I have kept myself from mine iniquity PSALMS 18:23; Self Sabotage I very real in Christianity; Know Jesus and get free John 8:31-32; We need to be proactive in our thought life; David graduated from lion and bear to Goliath 1 Sam 17:34-37 ; David encouraged himself in God and then recovered1 Samuel 30:6 ; A friend sent me a prophetic dream about me; Demonic attacks happen; Fear is a spirit that we have to take authority over 2 TIMOTHY 1:7; The devil often flees in the presence of God; Jesus is the Way and the Truth! John 14:6 ; Prodigal son knew to go back to the Father Luke 15; In HIs presence is fullness of Joy! Psalm 16:11; Psalm 91 abiding in God AND HIS protection; John 8:31,32 knowing the Word and be