Conrad Rocks

Praying it Through



Often times God will initiate a conversation with a believer. We then need to "pray it through" to the conclusion. Show Notes: James 5:16 effectual fervent prayer gets results; Supernatural events kick-off dialogue with God; Spirit of Truth dialogues with us to teach us; Know the Word and Know the Author; I began my relationship with God as s child; Suppressing the voice of God like a ball in the water; Meditating on the Word and Precepts; The Word is the Way to the Father which is Spirit; Mentors should have sings of a believer and fruit of the spirit; Jesus manifests Himself to the believer John 14; Psalm 100:4 Seeking to get into His spiritual presence; Judges chapter 6 God's dialogue with Gideon; Jeremiah chapter 1 God's dialogue with Jeremiah; Acts 13 church meeting ministering and fasting; Must have a relationship with God first; Acts 10 God's dialogue with Peter; Truth teaches us we were wrong about or ignorant of; Amos 8 God's dialogue with Amos; Daniel 10 Angel's dialogue with D