Embolden Adventures

Podcast #15 - The Ayahuasca Chronicles - Between the 1st & 2nd Ceremony



This PODCAST is part of the Embolden Adventures series, The Ayahuasca Chronicles. The Ayahuasca Chronicles showcases the 7 ayahuasca ceremonies in which I participated deep in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. Throughout the two weeks, I made several detailed videos documenting each of my 7 ayahuasca ceremonies. These vlogs can be found on my Embolden Adventures YouTube Channel, so be sure to check them out. Please subscribe. Thanks! Links here: https://www.Emboldenadventures.com YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/2gfAR-mblHI Embolden Adventures YouTube Ayahuasca Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJQQaGMqO7AkQKB1WEhMpvbt-KEXgpsYQ We stayed at Temple of the Way of Light, located deep in the Amazon. For two weeks we were completely offgrid and out of touch with the world I know. The purpose of my time away was to participate in 7 ayahuasca ceremonies led by 5 Maestros and Maestras of the Shipibo. The Shipibo believe ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine capable of healing people of ph