Ally Loprete

Getting down to (the ideal) Business



Can't find the ideal job? Create your own. If you ever feel like saying - Just give me a job already! Please, just give me a legitimate way to earn a paycheck and I'll make you proud! Then - oh boy - do I have a surprise for you! Together we are going to create a job opportunity. An opportunity that will give you: A. The flexibility to work around your family's hectic schedule B. A creative outlet in which you've been aching and C. Unlimited income making potential Think you've heard it all before? Think again. In this defining age of technology, the one thing every business needs is an email marketing system that empowers businesses to engage, educate and retain customers. Not to mention stay on top of cutting edge social media that will bring about new clients. There is no doubt about the need for this type of service. What would you say to someone hiring you to do just that? This Friday I am bringing on Geoff Alexander, Director of Product Development at iContact to talk to you about how to use their Agenc