Ally Loprete

The Power of the Telecommute Proposal



You'd love to leave your day job and come home full time, but then how would you put food on the table? You are not alone in your desires, and you are willing to explore every viable option, but in the end, you feel lucky to have a job and a steady paycheck. You don't want to mess with decent fortune in this economy, so instead of rocking the boat you stay right where you are - despite the fact that you really wish you had more time at home with your family.   No one blames you for being torn between having big dreams and staying comfortable in your current reality.   So lets explore something new. Telecommuting.    Keep the job. Lose the commute.   Not only can you have your cake and eat it too, but by proposing a telecommute option to your current employer, you will be contributing to a growing trend and paving the way for others to do the same.   You may not realize this but most people who are currently telecommuting for their employer originally believed it wasn't an option. The reality? Telecommuting is