Ally Loprete

COEXIST: A Special Encore Presentation



COEXIST is a documentary film making an impact on young people's lives. This week we will be airing a special encore presentation of an interview I did with Adam Mazo, the producer and director of the educational documentary film, COEXIST. In this interview, Adam draws parallels between the events in Rwanda and attacks by school bullies, suggesting peer pressure can push nonviolent people to commit violent acts-- whether it’s throwing someone’s backpack in the trash or committing more extreme acts such as genocide. "It isn't enough to be tolerant of one another, we must learn to find acceptance. The best way to do that is to break bread with someone who you may think is very different than you. It's difficult to hate anyone that you've just shared a meal with." -Adam Mazo, Producer and Director of COEXIST I am pleased to be able to recognize Adam's great work and do my part to pass this important message forward. Educating our children is the best way to create awareness, tolerance and ultimately end violenc