Ally Loprete

Need a Little Va Va Voom in your Veins?



Wouldn't it be nice to wake up every day with boundless energy and vitality?   Its a common problem among hard working moms. We give the best of ourselves to our children, our marriages, our homes, our businesses and maybe...just maybe... if there is time... we'll give something back to ourselves.   We know its backwards.    We know its not healthy.   We know this behavior will eventually come back to haunt us, but its a trap we fall into time and time again.   Stop the madness and recapture your magnificence!   Its time to practice new habits and take preventative measures. Learn to put yourself first and as a result create optimum health and well-being for yourself as well as your children. Because lets face it- when Mom is feeling good, everyone gets to reap the rewards.   This week we'll be talking about how to amp up your vitality and your vavoom!  Joining us is Sharon Otness-Foot, a Healthy Lifestyle Coach who helps women fall in love with themselves again by feeling healthy, vibrant, sexy and confident