Recovering Academic

Pilot: Starting Recovery



Leaving academia in many fields, scientific and otherwise, is the ultimate taboo. In journal clubs, seminars, and laboratories, jokes are made that scientists who left academia for industry or other jobs have turned to the Dark Side. A certain attitude persists that science is a noble calling, an avocation, that a trainee should pursue with a single-mindedness. "Academia is sticky. It's heavy. It's got lot of gravity. ...I know people make it out." –@IHStreet But what happens if you decide that academia isn't for you? Or if, despite your best efforts, your academic dreams aren't realized? Suddenly, you're left without mentors, without a community. We started this podcast to create a community for recovering academics. We will discuss the issues we encounter, the insights that we stumble upon, and topics that you suggest. Remember: there is sunshine outside the ivory tower.