Recovering Academic

Season 02 Episode 08: Burnout and Transition



In this week's episode, we're discussing burnout and transitioning. We all think that once we've made our decision that all our problems will be solved. We'll take all that energy we spent on fretting over leaving and put it into side projects. But it seems like it rarely works out that way... Managing Your Energy Even if you don't move locations (like Doctor_PMS and Amanda), you still have to adjust to your new situation. If you move (like Ian), then you have this extra layer of fatigue on top of adapting to a new job. Even just getting used to sitting in front of a computer all day can be exhausting. – @IHStreet You have decisions to make about prioritizing your work, learning about a new job, and finding out where to find the best coffee in a new city! If you work from home, then that can present another set of issues. From Doctor_PMS who dealt with distractions to Amanda who didn't have enough distractions, you have to work on enforcing limits. I had a hard time enforcing boundaries. Because there's alway