Trinity For Norman

Day 148 Online Bible Reading Club ”No One Can Snatch You from His Hand” (2 Chronicles 4-6; John 10:24-42)



2 Chron 4-6 continues the story of Israel's golden age of David/Solomon ruling over a united Kingdom. In this section, King Solomon completes David's temple-building project. The glory cloud representing God's glorious presence in the midst of His people inhabits the temple. The singers praise God for his steadfast love. He has made promises and He has kept them to David. In John 10:24-42, we see Jesus' continued rebuke of the Pharisees. They are ready to execute Jesus again! He has claimed to be one with the Father. He has claimed to be the Messiah. They are unable to kill him because the time had not yet come. We learn that Jesus is the truth to which the temple pointed forward. If the Father and Jesus are one, then those who are in Christ cannot be snatched out of the Father's hand. How? Namely, because those united to Christ cannot be held back from God's steadfast love even by death: See Romans 8:28-39. If Jesus has overcome death and sin for his people, we will never have to fear losing God's love.