Kate Hastings Show

“Why We Suppress Our Authentic Self”



We lie to ourselves and others for a variety of reasons, including to protect our egos, to appear more attractive or successful than we really are, or to avoid addressing uncomfortable truths. We may also lie out of fear of being judged or rejected, or to avoid taking responsibility for our actions. We sometimes find ourselves in situations where we are committed to things that don't bring us joy or don't align with our values. We may feel the need to stay silent and not speak out. We may stay in jobs that make us feel miserable and not take risks such as travelling or moving away. This can lead us to feel stuck, upset and unable to move forward, leaving us feeling a sense of confusion and purposelessness. We don’t stumble into authenticity we need to burn everything that we are not to then have the courage to be everything we are.     Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach Trauma Informed  @coachkate1